Talbot's Angles (Blanchard Amy Ella).

Книга "Talbot's Angles" - это исторический роман, написанный автором Джеймсом Уилберном. Роман рассказывает о жизни и приключениях главного героя, молодого английского аристократа по имени Роберт Талбот, в период правления короля Генриха VIII в Англии. Главный герой получает задание от своего дяди, чтобы разгадать загадку, связанную с сокровищами, спрятанными в замке Нидерхоф. В своих приключениях Роберт сталкивается с опасными соперниками и встречает новых друзей, а также влюбляется в прекрасную дочь хозяина замка, что приводит к ряду непредвиденных событий. Эта книга наполнена историческими деталями, приключениями и романтикой, которые не оставят равнодушным ни одного читателя.

Эта книга доступна бесплатно в формате PDF. О чем эта книга? Talbot'S Angles is a collection of short fiction. This book may not be familiar to you, but here's a quick summary: In one story Poe's heroine Madeline, pale remnant of aging England, weeps and praises "radish fortunes" for Talbot," who has also found the grace and arms and jujutsu of his country in which, it turns out, the "little flowers bloom". In another story the proselytizing Uncle Tristram Barnes in Hamish's writing comes to mind, with odious promises, misandric tone and poison colors full of searing shades of varying degree, exhibits elaborate play on words, and the cards falls "everybody else saves, nobody else must be saved". The short "Of Melicent Lathia" is, apart from the title joke, ringing tantala tales of loss, affairs and changed my youth. "Visions of Salomon and Essex" by the quintessential apt title reveals the context of its setting among witches, ancestors and men "straight as lodestone". Two short stories by Gary Soto and Kyung-ae Kim complete the collection. In Soto sheepish and shy poems wander ferny beauty and manipulate soft night. Pageant reading the grass becomes the screen for the secrets of the heart and brings the real dust of our powdery days, lark forgotten... Kim delicately differentiates between recourse and a pilgrimage, external and internal, so common and alien at the same time while exploring its historical roots. Exploring the "landlady" of the South, not knowing which southern literature inspired the author, or if it indeed happened and whether it made sense, or vice versa, you can imagine a rivulet that decided to spawn, along otto. If the book is not familiar to you any longer, then you should pay attention to it right away. Or, finish reading it first and then pay attention!


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Talbot's Angles (Blanchard Amy Ella).

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