Things That Happen - And Other Poems (Unabridged) (Bhaskar Chakrabarti).

Bhaskar Chakrabarti – индийский поэт, родился в 1932 году. Сборник "Things That Happen and Other Poems" был впервые опубликован в 2009 году, включает в себя более 30 стихотворений, написанное в разные годы творческой жизни поэта. Книга обладает ярким иллюстративным стилем, воспевает философию и эмоции в каждом из стихотворений. Она идеально подходит для тех, кто любит поэзию и хочет окунуться в мир Бхаскара Чакраборти. Издание на русском языке

Инопланетное путешествие в мир ощущений и ценностей, английский поэт Бхаскар Чакраборти возносится в высшее измерение литературы, маня нас за собой подобно блуждающей комете.

Bhaskar is a poet, whose latest collection of poems, Things That Happen, took him to the centre of the baffling, elusive Oracle of Being. In other words, he begins with poise and drifts into non-determinate realms. Though Chakrabarti cannot be called an accomplished poet per se, things that happen around him -- school, highest level, travels, father's death, and of course the millenniums -- mysteriously intrigue him into putting them in freestyle lyrical form.\nThis unabridged book, published by Creative Paperbacks, brings together risewell poems from genuine lines, and Chakrabarty's daring vision carries its own weight and momentum.For those thirsty for poems having a more festive ending than defining, barely formulated questions, Chakrabarsi makes the readers laugh together and savour their revelations not overworked queries.\nHis Things That Happens is overloading with the concepts and substance that can take the reader quite far from the usual eclectic array of poetry, but on the same note at the same time it also encourages intellectual even-mindedness and humanness without it ever becoming patronising. This unabreed book is a treat to check out for any fans of free-form poetry who have been missing a philosophical flavour.


#зарубежная поэзия

Things That Happen - And Other Poems (Unabridged) (Bhaskar Chakrabarti).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Things That Happen - And Other Poems (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Bhaskar Chakrabarti
  • Категория: Зарубежная поэзия
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781803092102