Never Say Goodbye by Betty Neels presents a collection of timeless romantic tales, published by Mills & Boon. These stories, written by one of world’s finest romance authors, tell the story of two people who find their way through life, despite tragic circumstances and challenges.

Neo's family is a tale of heartbreak and remembrance. An older woman's family was torn apart, and Isobel and Thomas were left to gather pieces of their lives and care for her sickly mother. As tensions rise within them, an unexpected entanglement ensues, which forces them to reconsider their relationship with each other, while dodging obstacles that may end their cherished chance at companionship.

In "The Barefoot Secret",Isobel reconnects with her late childhood friend, who was lost at sea a young man, for whom she carried lasting feelings. John mysteriously reappears in her life 15 years later, though a series of setbacks and misunderstandings keep them apart until they are unexpectedly reunited. No sooner have they found their footing in a fragile new romance, however, than tragedy strikes again and forces them to confront their painful past.

"Forgiving Terrors" is a moving tale, created for lovers of drily nostalgic moments and tender laughs. It speaks powerfully and passionately to a generation that has seen the truth about relationships crystallize like a stalwart rock among temporal sea-states. Though the title of the novel suggests something darker, this heartfelt modern romance showcases a cast of unforgettable characters who will capture the imagination from cover to cover.

These tales tell real-life stories

Never Say Goodbye. Автор: Betty Neels Все произведения знаменитой Бетти Нилс собраны в этой книге. Вечные рассказы о согревающем сердце романе, созданные одной из самых любимых женщин-романистов мира. Баррингтон пришлось сделать ее семью своей главной заботой. Чтобы сохранить свою маленькую семью вместе, Изобель Баррингтон удается свести концы с концами на грани возможностей — просто делаем частную работу няньками. У ее матери была лишь маленькая пенсия , а ее младшего брата пришлось как-то обучать. Изобель не должна была иметь возможность влюбиться в доктора Томаса Уинтерса, но так оно и случилось. Было маловероятно, что он заинтересуется Изобель, когда рядом была прекрасная Элла Стоукс, так что изо всех сил нужно было забыть его. Но это говорилось легче, чем делалось!


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Never Say Goodbye (Betty Neels).

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