"Soldier's Rescue" is a novel by Betina Krahn that explores themes of recovery, resilience, and compassion. The story follows veterinarian Kate Everly and troop Nick Stanton as they work together to heal the wounded dog they discover on the lonely backroad.

Kate is a warmhearted veterinarian who has a special bond with animals, especially dogs. Her skills as a "puppy whisperer" help her connect with and comfort those who are lonely and hurt. Nick is a former service member who has struggled with the aftermath of his time in uniform, including surviving an attack from an angry dog during his deployment. Despite his skepticism at first, Nick eventually learns to open up to and trust Kate. They face challenges in navigating their feelings for each other while providing care to the dog who connects them both.

One of the highlights of the novel is the detailed treatment of the healing process for the wounded animal. As Kate and Nick work to heal its injuries, they learn about trauma, loss, and how each has dealt with their own struggles. This theme is explored further as the story unfolds. Other aspects of the tale include the interplay between the veterinary and police communities in providing medical and protective services; and the tragic story of one who did not survive the journey they began together along the lonely road.

Overall, Soldier's Rescue delves deeply into moments of hopefulness and recovery through the bonds of caring, mutual understanding, empathy, and gratitude. It showcases the untold difficulties faced by the people who have survived accidents and trauma in their lives, and it reminds us that bonds between people and animals hold the potential for unforgettable, transformative journeys.


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Soldier's Rescue (Betina  Krahn).

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