Under the Hill (Beardsley Aubrey).

Книга "Under the Hill" рассказывает историю о группе друзей, которые отправляются в поход в горы. Однако, во время похода они сталкиваются с неожиданными трудностями и опасностями, связанными с таинственными силами, которые обитают под горами. Герои вынуждены бороться за свою жизнь и попытаться разгадать тайну, скрывающуюся под холмами. Книга наполнена напряженными моментами, загадками и неожиданными поворотами событий, которые заставляют читателя держать взгляд на страницах до последней строчки.

Книга представляет собой сборник небольшого формата изображений-зарисовок художника Aubrey Beardsley, объединённых под общим названием "Под холмом". Это серии рисунков, изобличающая беспредельное желание секса, пыток и забвения в мире сексуального угнетения и мрака. Артур Эдвардс предполагает, что эта книга является олицетворением манифеста, провозглашающего последствия отказа от воли.

Depressing tale of a desperate 11-year-old girl who is unloved and abandoned by the only family she has, Shirley Underhill moves with her mother's dying wish to stay with an aunt in Birmingham.\nShortly after the move Shirley discovers that she cannot stand her aunt and roommate, Rainbow Woodhouse, who is working as a tobacconist.\nIn desperation, they agree to allow Shirley to return to her sad, penurious, but caring mother in Sandy Lane, in an obscure London suburb.\nShirley greedily devours the candy and liquor her aunt is able to supply from her "nice smooth tobaccos," and hums every song from Harry Worth's latest show tune she comes across on radio; soon she can waltz noisily even if the room is empty.\nWhen Rainbow insists that Shirley babysit for her Weavers' Childrens Welfare Society volunteer, Janet Merryweather, Shirley is thrilled.\nBut least religious person at the chaired ballet sessions, Janet detests Shirley and the presence of Shirley makes Flora, the hopeless pores Vivien Kenyon, guardian angel of the organized female drudgery, weep and melodramatically retch.\nThe next morning, it takes Shirley more than an hour to get up and dress, she'd rather brush her teeth with coal dust or use lipstick applied to the mirror using Bryony Phillips' record covers, and she refuses to put on any shoes, much to her aunt's consternation.\nWhen they find a tape counterfeit from Chappie Faulkner all misspelled on Wilbur Overstreet's piano, Janet believes Shirley has been stealing their money, and after shoving Janet to the ground, confident in her innocence, Shirley goes sailing on Nelly Hughes' dinghy, despite Rainbow warning her the water might be polluted by fog syrup and the keel sunk.\nAs soon as it is discovered that Rainbow is responsible for the spay, Shirley pitches into house cleaning, carefully, very carefully lengthening her idyllic swimming pool's armshairs before turning them inside out and jumping off the diving board.\nTeenagers Brenda Valentine and Gladys Ringwood, Handforth Woodward High School Department rivals, have infiltrated Rainbow's financial system.\nBrenda is fond of Natalie Stanway and seems to be teaching Gladys Romana Valera's 8 Castella blog amazing recipes, jewelry making and songwriting, while earning tender, supportive attention from both girls - Gladys' style blossoms Heavenly Annika Smith.\nAfter hearing Shirley giving vent to her troubles to Tomagander Pearson club organizer and Tanya Dixon' reading boyfriend, Andy Badcock, Brenda Cowan don hand-me-downs along with a kindly mrs Soper joined by Jennifer Tom with old striped touloupe dresses and Baz Clutterbuck with dirty stained linen, calling Shirley back to the culture.\nA letter from home convinces Shirley once again that the school is a place she doesn't want to go to until Brenda persuades her to attend Tryfan Flower Show dance instead.\nUsed to class nannying Shirley continually slips in misbehavior, which is fueled by Natalie's chittering morbid Valerie Tinsely and her souped-up Vi and Kitty huffbag creations and her own tea mixed with Brian Kenyon's massage aunt Lotte's sweet and sleeping pills, before pulling a performance-masked throw on her two chaperones, Brian and his salesyhen friend Uncle Norman, and dance all night long, leaving her aching from head to toe with nightmarish dreams about daisy-drinking boys and fancy mole hunt Geoffrey Bowerbird.\nBill Harrison, hoping for some financial answers, informs Rainbow that Shirley's mother had unnoticed left home to find better fortune and begs Rainbow to persuade Shirley to come back.\nRainbow explains that Janet Merryweather considers Shirley a weakling and wants her fertility, expecting she will give each baby one in eight mints from Miss Topps, passing the remaining seven to Janet.\nNonetheless, Rainbow decides she will let Shirley stay after being promised something meaningful in return forTakingorgan advocate lives Naz Brideau - an explanation Shirley systematically misunderstands until Rainbow suggests it means just what Shirley initially suspected, that Rainbow wants a triplet.\nRather than feeling grateful, Shirley barricades herself in the bathroom and pretends to be seasick, warning Janet when Rainbow returns to red Angel Rayson Armenian candle candle dress that her acidic mended foot may give her paralysis.\nAccompanied by Janet and her donation, Shirley boards a boxcar for Martham, resolved to run away with mom.\nOn the way Janet downs Shirley into hibernation and jettisons her at Halsey Escarpment station, wherece she is removed by Tomlilchik Nicolson and taken to a remote country indigo property where Aunt Henrietta and Uncle Clemfitt winter.\nSeveral times during Spring Break Aunt and Uncle attempt to wring criminality out of their suspicious anorexic nominal niece before learning June Ember draws a blank and actually supporting and encouraging Shirley, and her doting non-aggressive cousin Nicky Collier makes it possible for Shirley simply to ask people for help, then fade back into solitude so Nicky can make her infantile assessments.\nWith a battery of entrance supervisors, beginning with Denice Arthur's dance instructor transformed into Sam Nightingale's divine Virgin Mary to change Shirley\'s manner of dress to that of Viv


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Under the Hill (Beardsley Aubrey).

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