A Woman of Substance (Barbara Taylor Bradford).

The book "A Woman of Substance" by Barbara Taylor Bradford is a great read for all readers who enjoy life stories based on real life events. The protagonist of this book is Emma Harte whose life story tells us how she rose to the top from serving help to becoming one of the wealthiest women in the world, facing trials and tribulations along the way.

The book starts with an introduction into Fairley Hall on the remote moorlands in Yorkshire. We are introduced to Emma's life where she was imprisoned to perform menial labor due to some unfortunate happenings around her. Emma was taken care of by Captain Halle and his family and soon befriended their young son Andrew. This friendship would prove to be the first step up the road for Emma to rise to the top.

With few opportunities, and a lack of education, Emma worked hard. She was the only character in all the books with that specific use of "a". It is totally worth it to get this perspective. The Iron Women skill set rapidly developing Emma provided an aptitude for hard work. With no access to resources or supports, Emma decided to marry when she was still very young to ensure her children's futures. This event led to a number of disagreements and frictions between husband Steve Harge and Emma. After a few years, they broke the marriage. But Emma was not afraid of living a difficult life, there were many ups and downs on which she benefitted. Emma's back story shows him being poor and having very few possessions. But after a series of life-changing events, she becomes an overnight millionaire and one of the most wealthy women in the entire world. Her story teaches us that everyone can succeed in life as long as they stay focused and driven. A truly inspiring journey that will have you rooting for Emma throughout the novel. However, despite the success, the price of her successes was high, as she came across betrayals and tragedies along the course. Emma has been through several types of marriage, battles, several affairs with her female employees, and even contracts to other competing companies. It was a journey of a lifetime that challenged her resources to gain what she loved the most – independence, power and influence. Throughout this emotionally charged tale of corporate wealth, betray

Эту книгу написала Барбара Тейлор Брэдфорд. Короткое описание: история взлёта и падения Эммы Харт, простой служительницы из йоркширской деревни. Мощное, убедительное повествование о диком, неуправляемом следовании мечте среди предательства, войн и ненависти.


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A Woman of Substance (Barbara Taylor Bradford).

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