The Man Behind The Mask (Barbara Hannay).

В книге “Человек за маской” автор Барбара Ханни описывает историю архитектора Брендона Гранта, который после смерти своей жены замкнулся в себе и не мог найти утешения. Но однажды он случайно встретил Нору Андерсен, которая помогает животным и людям. Брендон начинает проводить время с Норой и ее племянником, и его сердце начинает оттаивать.

В книге “Как растопить замерзшее сердце” описывается история Беки Тейлор, которая пытается начать новую жизнь после тяжелого прошлого. Однако, когда в ее жизнь врывается Калеб Фэрчайлд, между ними вспыхивает мгновенное влечение, что совсем не нужно Беке. Калеб же очень быстро понимает, что перед ним стоит сильная женщина, которая готова бороться за свое счастье.

If you find this book unfamiliar, here's a description:

To Warm the Frozen HeartWith a kiss…After his wife's passing, architect Brenden Grant's heart had frozen deep within his chest, cold and unreachable. Then a troubled cat sent him unwillingly to Nora Anderson's door. Nora had remarkable abilities at healing, and Brenden wondered if her nurturing might touch even his stiff defenses. He could spend time with her and her adopted orphan nephew, at least, which was warming his frame. But Nora was a fierce lioness harboring a fledgling life she'd fought for, protecting it fiercely, so she would not let anyone beyond her threshold.

The Secret Master behind the Striped ShirtBecca Taylor had labored hard to build a new future after a wrought past, but when Caleb Fairfield entered her life driving dangerously hot, all he saw was his initial attractions. Caleb was a CEO who knew it was perilous to let foolish people into his affections, especially not those as striking as Becca. But he drew to her anyway, fondling to establish a fluidity between them. When Becca's deepest secrets made exclosures, near betrayal did appear inevitable, except when the truth began to chisel the irons he erected around the damaged pieces of his soul.

Bitten by the MysteriousAfter being carved-up by her cruel boyfriend, Emily Silverside sought refuge in her cousin's distant urban dwelling only to encounter Jude Marlow, the complex author of middle-brow suspense stories. Under his ageless sophistication lay an unspoken world worth investigating, of which he struggle to hide. Through every word and look, Emily could see the depth of his discontent, but Jude harnessed her allure through his apathetic dexterity. More attached to Emily, he reluctantly saw only pain and trouble would ensue, for he was certain he could not spare the life with her that both were worth.


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The Man Behind The Mask (Barbara Hannay).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Man Behind The Mask
  • Автор: Barbara Hannay
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon By Request
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474043069