Chicos de la noche (Bárbara Cifuentes Chotzen).

The book "Chicos de la Noche" by Bárbara Chifuentes, also known as Chotzen, is a captivating, action-packed story about Veronica Boltron. Born with a sleep disorder (paralysis du sommeil) at the age of eleven, Veronica comes to understand that her condition is part of a long-standing legend: that of a ghost descending upon the person who is awake and the body asleep, a phenomena she names "The Mute".

Because of this, she initially fears Chuck when he first speaks to her. After some time, however, they become best friends and a working duo, working together on a quest for freedom that becomes much more than mere escape.

The twisty storyline, coupled with Veronica and Chuck's trials and tribulations in trying to get rid of their mysterious pursuer, keep the reader hooked on their unlikely partnership and impossible mission. The book has no shortage of challenges, but it succeeds in providing a humorous and heartwarming series of events that leave the reader grinning from ear to ear well into its conclusion.



#детская познавательная и развивающая литература

Chicos de la noche (Bárbara Cifuentes Chotzen).

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