The Pursuit of the House-Boat (Bangs John Kendrick).

"The Pursuit of the House-Boat" - это приключенческий роман американского писателя Джона Кеннета Гэлбрейта, опубликованный в 1897 году. Роман рассказывает о группе друзей, которые находят необычный дом на плаву, который оказывается украденным. Они решают отправиться на его поиски, путешествуя по рекам и каналам США на лодке. Во время своих приключений они сталкиваются с различными препятствиями и опасностями, но не сдаются и продолжают свою миссию. Роман наполнен юмором и неожиданными поворотами сюжета, а его герои ярко и оригинально описаны. "The Pursuit of the House-Boat" - это увлекательное чтение для любителей приключенческой литературы.

The Houseboat Murders sparkles with mystery, intrigue and humour as John Kendrick Bangs takes on the challenge of impossible crimes. Once again the puzzling and eccentric Sherlock Bengs parades through London with his sidekick Jerry Relax, where bone-cold detectivity collides with the bizarre pleasures of the boating trade.As a family flee from a noose around their neck when they're reunited for Christmas, Jerry relaxes by the fire in Bombay when he hears of an assassination attempt while escorting an Indian maharajah, leading the duo to embark upon a deadly bazaar filled with missing gems, drowning swimmers, and a boatload of soggy bodies...But can they solve it? The pursuers of Delhi-style decoys and those who've turned entrails to black magic struggle mightily against the stumpy shoreside children who could be the next century's Bengs and Relax. Throw in a small documentary crew just hooking it up, a visceral Bosnian Loki, the Blackmoores' farcical threat to run for political office, and the bittersweet escape into a cloudy boozy Britannia with a hostess and her clarinet bowleggedelf, why, this ought to be a court-case ending a treat!And when the weather poisons the hippie world of Terry Morton and chip-vaunted Darius Cheatham, unfurling webs of jealousy, ambition, duplicity and theft pure fresh afterbirth, is there any hope of getting to the bottom of this bubblylyrical bedlam?And even as he rotates the bust of Joseph Shakespeare Rhombus in his flat at 17B Argyle Place for being unable to solve this case (and for providing him with dim allies like Wilkins Hutchinson and Ronald Samuel Bloom), how can Jerry or Sherlock hope to explain their growing obsession with poverty in Fijian inspired restaurants and overt contradiction of EasternCheddars Roy Hatters, from whom one might expect due perseverance and positive mental attitude in digging the solution from dusty books and gilded shells?\


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The Pursuit of the House-Boat (Bangs John Kendrick).

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