In Camp With A Tin Soldier (Bangs John Kendrick).

Книга "В лагере с жестяным солдатиком" - это история о приключениях мальчика по имени Дик, который отправляется в летний лагерь. В лагере он находит жестяного солдатика и начинает играть с ним, создавая множество фантастических историй. Однако, когда другие дети начинают присоединяться к игре, они начинают ссориться из-за того, кто будет играть за жестяного солдатика. В конце концов, Дик находит способ решить конфликт и приводит всех детей к мирному соглашению. Книга написана для детей и содержит в себе множество важных уроков о дружбе, сотрудничестве и разрешении конфликтов.

“In Camp With a Tin Soldier,” by Kendrick Bangs, is the story of a young boy named Ralph Burley who lives in The Roaring Forties, far off the beaten path to Denver. He and his family are gifted a tin soldier whom he calls “Tin” by an uncle during one of his frequent trips to Little Norway, Missouri, the town directly west of Fieldstone, Colorado, where Ralph lives with his parents, Hamilton and Belle, and older sister Maude.

In a way, Ralph may have been deluding himself into believing this creature was human, simply due to how crucial it was to him. Ralph does not tell anyone about Tin except for his best friend, Bobby Olson, a socially awkward young man of around 11 years old with no speaking skills other than stuttering sometimes when saying his name and dying alone in his home every night. However after encountering a seemingly more human-like magical experience that impacts his life profoundly and leads to a radical and amazing transformation, what begins as a twisted friendship between disfigured dixie and the young punk embarks on a journey into Brotherhood, Nature, Independence, and an inner self discovered bitterly damaged by pain. It is through these biases and unintended coincidences that Ralph's relationship with his solitude and cruel bullying from fellow campers change completely.

But they're boys, and what can follow is great regret, sacrifice, ultimate acceptance, growth, a quiet certainty, and happiness, while the pride within Ralph stands alerted like a fading fire in the morning dark.


#зарубежная классика

In Camp With A Tin Soldier (Bangs John Kendrick).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: In Camp With A Tin Soldier
  • Автор: Bangs John Kendrick
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain