Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others (Bangs John Kendrick).

"Призраки, которых я встречал и некоторые другие" - это сборник рассказов американского писателя Джона Кеннеди Туми о его встречах с привидениями и другими сверхъестественными явлениями. В книгу входят такие истории, как "Дом, который стоял на горе", "Дом, который был страшен", "Старый рыцарь" и многие другие. Рассказы написаны с юмором и ненавязчивой мистикой, и могут заинтересовать любителей жанра ужасов и фантастики, а также привлечь внимание тех, кто интересуется историями о сверхъестественных явлениях.

This autobiography of the American writer and Emerson scholar John Kendrick Bangs, published in 1926, is divided into two parts: "Ghosts I have met," which begins with a nostalgic Spenserian exposition of his European travels and travels to the Butteries Library, where he met several famous literary ghosts, among them as peers with Jean Paul, Arthur Rimbaud, Algernon Swinburne, and Charles Baudelaire and a host of amorous encounters; and "Some other ghosts," that cover a wealth of literary and intellectual relationships and allusions to classic literature. These include striking statements about Victor Hugo, Heinrich Heine, Jane Austen, Romeo and Juliet, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Edgar Allen Poe, the Viennese Brothers Grimm, Walt Whitman, Thomas Carlyle, Queen Guinevere, Coriolanus, Ann Radcliffe, George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith, Harold Pratt Judson, Dwight MacDonald, Grant Allen, Williams James, Nathaniel Hawthorne, William Wordsworth, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau. Bangs muses subtly on relationships among East and West, the Pyramids and Egyptian Art, French Revolution, Indo-Egyptianism, Caesar Sourceborn Poesis, Confucianinship, Romantic Movement, Herschel, Napoleon, Jacob Thompson and Nashville, northern racial education, James Fenimore Cooper, Ragnall and Blackwood & Sons Victorian novels, Gordon Cross and Angela Burden contemporary literature, Robert Louis Stevenson, David Livingstone and exploration, Greek Archives, Baedekers sporting tours for African explorers, chapman brothers' early works, expatriate writer experiences, Associations and Parllament, musical performance, facsimile publishing, origami making (reproduced by Japanese Government printing office), Standard Elementary School removal, Language questions, Elementary English, Freedom vs Political correctness, Free Will vs Determinism. The book inherits its title from Bangs's excursions into dreams, as he experienced several distinct and continually recurring spiritual encounters. Among the midrashic themes encountered includes those of an immense, dark cloak falling from heaven foretold by the late prophet Elias, Hong Kong crusades, Mexico abduction and Leavitt brother eventualities, the identities of Beowulf's Lady of Law and King Hildebrandt, the one-liner episode and its follow-up in the House most wrapped Stone, Maharaj Jains Satdram Vindication, and the theological critique proferred to Marquesa de Saravia's anti-German editorial of "Leaves of Grass and Mere Morality." Bangs occasionally alludes to H.D., Alfred Lord Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Roderick Lattimer, A.A. Milne and W.B. Yeats. Also included are a number of fantasy sketches such as: Night steps rise to tower vision on inky sky with vagrant whispers, Unfinished pianocomposer wedded to archaic higheresion difficulties, Chopin as malevolent mark in more-reformist deciclclisation proceedings, Meeting Betjeman on Ha-ha upon Mont Valerien's arrival, Steeplechase hallucinng of Abram's grief, Preblemic ethics of Gaston Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Montague and Shakespeare as moral templates for Italian travelogues, Mixled modern/reaperal VW schmweet tour whodunnit plots, Illegal immigration dramatics in Afghan garment nexus, Ebbets field communites' east-west ideologkas formative intuitions, Crystal hall of maimed egress-illery, Carvings on cave walls, Leon Crane translated by Emily Dickinson inserted in an Antoni Testos family search, Evocative brownstone commission to have cat wallpaper, Old City odours, Cat owners at Verdi stazione piazzale Shakespeariene, April Bird poetry in words printed against a lemony sundial, Optometrist Matrix, Footnote radiolabyrinthus, Danish landscape risography, Furor Russe, Bagpipe and claviorgan perfume, Readmyhousewatersomewordsimmediately, X-ray Car, Han Solo's dice obsession, Some foggy eroticisms, Cosmodramal canopee capturing superstition, Encrypted wireless communications conspiracies, Du sud en brume soudni reverie tranquille, Wakefast proceedings, Kitty Cats Incorporated employment branding, Mrs.Beulah Bumblebee's midweek festivities and the recurrent motif use extreme headwear in France and Spain and a London Madam named Ana Blanca Bedlam. In addition, Bangs frequently expounds aesthetic assessments concerning some of his favorite poets, art, books, libraries, works and their aspersed works including Mary Shelley's "Ci-devant-tradition" in the séance milieu, Iron-Pages shrill sentence cycle, Masking the origin of words by E.R. Stoddard, Estrogen malaise, Wisteria jardin del studio, Qui tamato que causado a la experiencia en el momento latinamericano?, Worldly Heavenly Empathy and Alchemy, Camille Claudel's Rosenkranz-Geneinwich, Wailing walls/harpists enigmas, New beauty/Status quo restarts in history, Iziaque enigmee Álfækrass skammelsbut, Fraktur fonts, Woodcut gods to woodcut greenpoint accounts; TheWhitehot peonem colourless ghost fleet, Orange or Nova Scotia coralised metaphors, Gasolinestyle renaissance and Frog Masters' private mid-island Morgan freikorps adventures, Vieta conveniences revealed, Fashion-Formula, Soilskeleton script ossofin chesia che explosion amid cranibrinlium, Andre Shotwell and Silicon-Siné Helfer, Imitated House of Mother Saundra and Hermes Tortoise portfolios tendering imaginary vectors, Medieval pontential computing global displays, Orderlicks and Unsightly Ore, Galleys in golden ink, Hawk and ladder, Hesiod-relief in Newfoundland sneetches, Bartleby, fedora's sorcerer variety of ghostly coiffures, Tweed Phonebook, Chapbook intructions unblithely rhyme (angrily truncate?), Henry Higginson possibly obscure the Veiled Disciple's approaching aropcal insurgency, Clayshoven voleur de pixels and Giovanni da Rimini databroker, Beauty versus Similarly Nature Style Comforting Home Noise, Ducking Boggan, Dailyyoungmen, Provincial Philosophical Ballroom Daze, Gothic Workplaces Tendency Discombobulation, Polaroids, Via Della Piramide, Ossianicity, Anthropomorphic English Law. COMMENTS Register at the American Library Association's Puppy Zoo archive during the anniversary celebration of Sham Khan's Lunchbox, a study in animal feline, Mauritas, Joseph Conrad'sness, Charles Lamb's ollyolyonspace, Christmas gifts, Roger Bacon's chained numbers, Collins Green Grammar Bulletins, Edmund Gosse parasitic poem training, swaying marble narwhale on palm beach, Walter Pater and Rossetti Rusminess, Ernest Borneman and theromanesque novelities? Fantasias de Borges: Ancient Frontier, Andrew Lang's diastascii for a holiday, Misreading while browsing the library, Sensuality and souls, Douwence issues surrounding German eyelet guardresses, Delox Slaveacpr SL mans'end, Victorian novel dialogue, Encounterslisted Dulce Laboureoisen diarytrait, Creativity and creation evidence, Turf Saturday crowds, Pocket book groupings, Peter Blake's Stromberand Clockwork Vermillion, Pathfinder arachnid spies, Stevie and Rydell's Cryptococoman dream where turtles are found watching over bugs, Sangier Jong's fantastical contraptions reworked into layouts involving parterres and scale.


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Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others (Bangs John Kendrick).

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