The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters (Balli Kaur Jaswal).

The book is full of warmth and laughter while exploring the lives of three sisters: Rajni, their quiet one from India who’s been forced to learn to accept change when she sees no future; Jezmin, a talkative British sister who's lost her career; and Shirna, an Arab woman who gets married while young and travels to Istanbul to get away from things. The novel explores how they react when they come together and unexpectedly go on a long journey across India together -a trip that can bring them closer and help them find answers, but also stress them out through a series of personal and political situations. It deals with themes such as racism, coming-of-age, and the larger issues in the Indian society in which the sisters' lives are embedded.

Through these unique and colourful characters, Balli provides readers with a compelling portrait of human lives-honed especially in the struggles and choices, and with a wry humour that keeps the lines between comedy and seriousness blurred.


#современная зарубежная литература

The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters (Balli Kaur Jaswal).

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