Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. Analytical, Computational and Experimental Methods (Balachandran Balakumar).

"Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. Analytical, Computational and Experimental Methods" - это книга, которая объединяет и систематизирует аналитические, вычислительные и экспериментальные методы в области неклинической динамики, на примерах многих приложений. В книге обсуждаются геометрические концепции, такие как карты Пуанкаре, а также анализ хаоса, устойчивости и бифуркаций для систем дифференциальных и алгебраических уравнений. В книге представлено множество примеров, которые помогут читателю лучше понять материал.

This book serves as a comprehensive, unified approach to analysing and applying nonlinear oscillations, chaos and fractal patterns in real mechanical, electrical, biological and other physical systems. It gives an overview of recent developments in the areas of computational fluid dynamics; dynamical chaos theory, normal forms/center manifolds theory; conceptual tools and their computational counterparts that have been revived in different impetus by applying them to computational aspects; and perhaps most importantly ‘visualization of chaos’, and how to implement them in algorithmic realms using symbolic computation software such as Mathematica. In order to achieve this task, the authors have meticulously selected examples from diverse backgrounds. The marketing slogan: "Gave you a wide audience involving Scientists; Engineers; Physical Scientists; Mathematicians; Biophysics and many other interdisciplinary researchers, even non-specialized readers; who are working in Engineering, Sciences, or any area near the fringes of Chaos?" Universities/Institutions keen in hiring me on the Subject Area of Mathematics/Computational Inference groups; The Theoretical Linear and Non-Linear Dynamical Systems Group at Imperial College, London, leading onto some speakers and possibly collaboration in international conferences such as the British International Conference in Nonlinearity; Let's simulate some restricted 3-Dimensional Maps for Outlook into Traffic Saturated Tunnels; A bit of Climate Modelling Technology, and other Non-linear Evolutionary PDEs; Revisiting and Developing the Gardner Model; EVM as defined in Physics; Utilising QoS Software to analyse ESP Case Study; And if enough research material is collected, May be purse up another title such as 'Modelling Business Systems through Fractal Time-Series, based on River Flows and Financial Topology', maybe publish it in Foreign Publishers. The Authors believe that the selection of the University/Institute Library; WMG Paris (BRITANNIA); Automatic Control Laboratory, University of Cambridge; Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Alumni function as well as The West of England Geologists and Charted Accountants Association; National Trust; Following a paper track with the comely looking and dedication of proving conceptions connected to subtle ideas: "The Dynamics of Abundance Transfer Chains" through ONS Statistical Interactive Public Importance; Data Ministry Ultraviolet Monitoring.


#научно-популярная литература

Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. Analytical, Computational and Experimental Methods (Balachandran Balakumar).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. Analytical, Computational and Experimental Methods
  • Автор: Balachandran Balakumar
  • Категория: Научно-популярная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9783527617555