A Digit of the Moon (Bain Francis William).

Книга "A Digit of the Moon" («Цифра луны») - это роман, написанный американским писателем Ф. В. Мейсоном. Роман основан на исторических событиях и рассказывает историю двух сестер - Триджи и Роузи, которые находятся в Индии во время британской колонизации. Главная героиня, Триджи, влюбляется в местного жителя, но их любовь запрещена из-за различий в социальном статусе и культурных различий. Вместе с тем, она должна выйти замуж по договоренности за другого человека. Книга описывает трагическую историю любви, столкновение культур и трудности, с которыми сталкиваются герои в условиях колониального режима.

A Digit of theMoon is theposthumously published work of the legendary travel writer and adventurer known as Flashman. Flash must know the real truth, not the fiction that history has fabricated, and goes about his search for it in the most amusing and ridiculous manner imaginable. The novel consists of Flashman\'s fascinating misadventures as he travels to Sechelt, British Columbia, to discover why his photograph was printed on the back of one particular commemorative stamp. Shockingly when he arrives he discovers his name, date and place of birth, and nothing more just as the postage watermark on his postcard, is repeated by the backstamp. It all seems to be leading up to and culminating in "The Moon", a phrase uttered by a mysterious tour guide whom Flash manages to persuade to join him on an unauthorized canoe trip up the Sechelt River. &x200B;In A Digit on the Moon Flashman goes to the moon, first by amphibious helicopter, then baobab rocket, before finally racing along lunar dunes in a new Peruvian Manta Glider with some fresh pioneers. He falls into the hands of two lovely, dangerous women named Aganju and Minonkwa, who transform Flashman into beholder, servant of the crown princes of Denelen and Yokanduana. He rides atop mighty lion-like Althians, whose mismatched eyes constantly glow with lust or wearing patches, inspired by the tribal crash helmet of a boy called Nairobi. Led by two old acquaintances from the Merrimac, Jonathan Strange and Robert Crawford, he completes his journey to the huge seal-moongate in Keowee, and through with unparalleled expeditions to Polynesia, the Hula Islands, Swiss Alpine Valleys, a Colonial Porcelain Firing Plant in Wessex, an abandoned railroad tunnel in Montana, and many others. What all trips boil down to? Why was he born? Who ordered this stamp? The complicated mess of ancient intrigues cannot be solved simply by remembering the letters that accumulate there, each one a fragment in the puzzle dictated by the cryptic motiveful words spoken in that odd language of theirs.


#зарубежная классика

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A Digit of the Moon (Bain Francis William).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: A Digit of the Moon
  • Автор: Bain Francis William
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain