"Erotic Art" by author Armin Panger, first published his erotic artworks during between 1994 and 2005 as an autodidactic painter with no formal training in artistic figures. His painting style stems from his inner experience and reflects a distorted reality that is sometimes twisted. the artist faced a troubled life after the tragedy of military service traumatized him.

He moved to Ottenhofen in 1989 as he started to paint and write, selling the early paintings to nurses, orderlies, and doctors. From this money he purchased more materials for his work. In the year 1906, Panger received cancer for the first time and he was sick again in the years 202 0 and 1023 resulting in further mental ailments. Since 20 8, he retired in the European Union category pension and has released the entries of his journal since 20.

published his first book "journal pages 20, 1-. and ""ung brochene "his streetbooks. living and working as free teacher at VHS lahr and maintains an open studio for experienced artists who have made self-diagnosis and diagnosis of mental illness and founded a patrolling artist program creator".

In этой книге художник и автор Армин Андреас Пангерл впервые представляет свою эротическую работу, созданную в период между 1994–2005 гг. Этот самоучка имеет творческое образование, которое саморазвивался. Его стиль живописи идет изнутри и отражает его собственный, иногда искаженный мир. В его жизни был трудный путь. В первый раз он был помещен в психиатрическую больницу из-за посттравматического стресса в 1988 и затем еще один год позже в 1889. Писать и рисовать он начал в Оттенхофене, первые картины он продал медсестрам, нянечкам и врачам и направился купить нового материала. В 1999


#изобразительное искусство

Erotic Art (Armin Pangerl).

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