The Counselor and the Law (Anne Marie Wheeler).

The book "The Counselor and The Law" by Anne Marie Wheeller is an eighth edition that provides a comprehensive discussion on the legal and ethical obligations of counselors, as well as insights on state and federal regulations impacting their practice and risk management.

Attorney Nancy Wheeller and Counsellor Burt Bertrams also provide practical tips drawn from various case laws to navigate through risks and provide competent clients the right advice. Some newly added and updated information focuses on Informed Consent, Duty to Warn and Protect, Suicide Prevention in University Settings and Electronic Records. Moreover, the authors include extensive details on state board rules enforcement and boundary violations, including a useful Code of Ethics at the end which will aid readers process their own legally challenging situations.

This revised edition continues to provide the comprehensive coverage and in-depth discussion you have come to expect from this hallmark text. Attorneys Nancy Wheeler, Ph.D. and Burt C. Bertram, M.A., are joined by new contributor Jessica Bossard for this edition. “The Counselor & the Lawyer” helps you keep abreast on maintaining your legal rights as counselors so you can effectively navigate the complexities of licensure rules, working in the medical setting, professional liability issues, learning resources for professionals involved in discussing sensitive topics and handling crises. Gone are the days when you had to face the daunting structures of medicine alone as a counselor. Now, with America’s turbulent changes in health care, multicultural environments, sophisticated technology, and regulatory demands, you need accessible, easy-to-understand insights about how to be an effective professional exception to the rule—whether you were trained as a “doctor’s assistant” or not. Each chapter features practical advice which can shape your preparation to realize your full potential as a credible professional. Step by step, legal, ethical, and moral guidelines are presented in clear, logical denotations written in an approachable manner designed to make navigating your practice-legal world easier. You will learn valuable information about various, unique options available to professional counselors when it comes to dealing with issues that cut across the different bouquets of professional training backgrounds you may have in your journey, such as Psychiatric-Mental Health Counselors, Licensed Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors; among others. This is a comprehensive guide that guides you through a demanding range, including the world of informed consent; duty to protect against harm or exploitation measures; and who is legally responsible for counseling around suicide. Other chapters offer broad regulations of therapy records managed electronically. This book helps you manage and excel in keeping up with emergent technologies like the newest ways to store, access, and transmit health information, determining what legal threats you face by storing, sharing, or traveling with, let alone obtaining, the news, cited by incidents of ransomware affecting privacy. These chapters also offer detailed narratives regarding the enforcement of adult protection laws in accordance with the evolving role of the counselor in times of increasing social callousness towards those in need of support within the fabric of American society. You are exposed to new developments in regulations impacting the boundaries of counseling and professionalism when we discuss awareness about dirty lawyers, and culture shift surrounding acknowledging and reporting suspected workplace harassment or discrimination involving a professional counselor-client relationship. Whether you aspire to hone your skill set and career path as an independent counselor or are the agency administrator in charge of licencing, evaluating your counselorship colleagues, or satiate yourself on the ethical aspects supervised supervision you offer, this manual provides you with the information and insights upon which to base your professional Assertion and Active Learning. You evince a practical framework for critical thinking of complex issues where you grapple with creative problem solving and professional advocacy strategies, creating opportunities to develop the awareness you need to establish efficient tools for assessment of professional performance assessment and influx of an unprecedented damage control protocols developed for organizational patient safety settings. This provides a strong framework of essentials that you will need as educational experiences in the field of Counseling increasingly rely on medical advances and increased technical deadlines imposed by Federal and State laws governing the protection and medical privacy of patients and beneficiaries/clients. Opponents have cajoled focus groups recommending the attention shifts towards examining relevant best practices and ethical frameworks from partnerships between mental hygiene counselors, social workers, and behavioral health providers, propelling changes in gardenian law, making this course worth every penny.

Эта книга предоставляет обзор правовой и этической ответственности консультантов, рассматривает законы штата и федерального уровня, касающиеся практики, и полезные стратегии управления рисками. Атторни Энн Мари Уилер и Бёрт Бертрам, частный практик и преподаватель, предлагают практические советы, чтобы помочь справиться с профессиональными рисками и при этом предоставить компетентный клинический уход. Среди новых или обновленных тем – вопросы, связанные с информированным согласием, актуальное прецедентное право касательно обязанности предупредить/защитить, проблемы, возникающие у студентов в колледжах и университетах в контексте суицидальности, опасения в отношении цифровых записей и программ-вымогателей, а также обновление данных по вопросам нарушения границ со стороны лицензионных советов штатов. Авторы предоставляют модель принятия правовых и этических решений, которая поможет консультантам и студентам справиться с их собственными правовыми и этическими дилеммами, а Кодекс этики Американской консультации включен как удобная справочница.* Запрос на цифровые версии можно оставить на сайте Для запроса печатных версий зайдите на сайт организации.


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The Counselor and the Law (Anne Marie Wheeler).

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