Date with a Regency Rake: The Wicked Lord Rasenby / The Rake's Rebellious Lady (Anne Herries).

Книга "Date with a Regency Rake: The Wicked Lord Rasenby / The Rake's Rebellious Lady" состоит из двух историй о любви в период регентства в Англии. В первой истории "The Wicked Lord Rasenby", почтенная леди Кларисса Уоррингтон вынуждена быстро действовать, чтобы помочь своей глупой, красивой сестре избежать неприятностей, связанных с ухаживаниями за самым известным разбойником в городе. Она предлагает привлекательному лорду Расенби необычную сделку: если он обеспечит ей приключение всей жизни, то она подарит ему себя. Во второй истории "The Rake's Rebellious Lady", героиня Кэролайн Холбрук не может представить себе скучную и обыденную жизнь в браке. Ее тетя решает помочь ей найти достойного жениха, но на всех балах и приемах Кэролайн привлекает внимание самого популя

Regency Regrets is Anne Gerries` s story about Regency life. It tells about a daughter of a acquaintanced Cassandra and Christian Warrington,Clarisa and her sister-in-law Amelia.Amelia falls in love with the most famous rake of society, Kit Rasenby. Clarisa offers faster redemption her poor sister from Kit Regency Regret is the story of romancing Caroline Holbro,young and bubbly woman,who thinks marrying based on love is unheard of.Kit Rathbone is his ex-fiancé girl friend haiming to marry Sir Frederick Rathboun

Anne Herries has released two humorous and romantic Regency-era romances set during the 19th century: Wicked Lords and Rebellious Ladies.

Imperial Palaces has provided an exploration into the lives of some of the prominent personalities in each novel. An intriguing effect of the dual stories, characters frequently cross over. Additionally, these ventures through history don't involve the romantic realm. They are activities that reveal the motivations of their leading characters. It leads to a multifaceted approach exploring intricate aspects of historical poignancy and how it is reflected in the present day.

For Kit, setting the ballroom on fire wasn't the first time he attempted to keep his boring yacht life lively. To be fair, he had devised many brilliant ideas, but damn if people seemed uninterested. His attempts at adult conversation were like talking to a Terminator; you kept forgetting the person was there rather than expecting them to behave rationally. Not that somebody else had been on his yacht for a while recently. Brandy glasses remained empty for days on end. Bloody lady guests weren't exactly subtle about their lack of interest either, purposely merrily letting him know when he should retire. Hopefully he would get lucky tonight and escape this doomed charade. Surely this time was different. This Clarissa's name was on everyone's lips, whispers abound about her flames for him. Maybe brave ladies fooled people into thinking they watched anything other than their feet being dragged out of a lava pit. Alas, they just had n't ever met Kieran Ferris (that was his nickname) before. General laughter followed his oratory after a boring tasting session, definitely unannounced. Little did he expect a bold female to offer everything she had to his liking tonight. Everything, how devilish.

 Embracing her reluctance, Caroline quietly backed away from Walking stick. Forget about all the men she've faced, this situation could only get more absurd the longer she stood there. Moving past him, she stepped away, welcoming the solitude she has always craved so very much. Hoping her identity had escaped another maniac, she covered the distance between herself and the undergrowth happily greeting any creature watching from the shadows. That sticky part where trail of dreams meets realty she reacted accordingly, careful of introducing herself too soon. Entering the English manor carrying books: "Tempted femalus novel." Peruse lightly on the furniture, the skies parting before a blinding foreshadow of dawn. Yet relief is fleeting as her peaceful sanctuary is turned upside down. Monks. Mints. Morning purgations; this is going to be a pleasure ride until the ultimate conclusion. Two men each satisfied their own curiosity, wandering off without sharing any sense of speculation. Lonely, Caroline leisurely made herself a cup of hawthorn tea. Finding nothing resembling physical restraint, she settled into her ease, imaginatively reviewing her morning session in further detail. Quietly glanced down at a pleasant vision lurking on her wrist. Every passing moment wore heavy on him with his thoughts swirling like smoke around his soul. Damn it all, fumbling to find the words and no protestations.


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Date with a Regency Rake: The Wicked Lord Rasenby / The Rake's Rebellious Lady (Anne  Herries).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Date with a Regency Rake: The Wicked Lord Rasenby / The Rake's Rebellious Lady
  • Автор: Anne Herries
  • Категория: Исторические любовные романы
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472010889