One Night with the Highlander (Ann Lethbridge).

Гордон МакЛафлин никогда не забывал прекрасную Аннабель или запретный поцелуй, которым они обменялись. Но невинная девушка, которую он когда-то знал, стала эдинбургской распутной черной вдовой. Какая правда стоит за шокирующей репутацией леди Аннабель? Случайная встреча с привлекательным горцем вновь разжигает давно похороненную страсть, но нищая Аннабель не может позволить себе роскошь любви. Они планируют тайную полуночную встречу перед тем, как навсегда расстаться — хотя одной ночи чувственного удовольствия может оказаться недостаточно...

There are three things in this life you should always remember. The number of stars in the sky on a dark night, the fact that your mother once told you she loved you, and the sound of your baby\'s heartbeat inside her womb. Granted, Kellee Graye remembered all of those things—and many others that were simultaneously mundane and uniquely personal to her. However, at that moment, a beautiful siren was attempting to cleave these things from her mind. "Make those platinum lilies with your lips," he whispered, pulling back a locking brow over a pair of pure light eyes.

"I must…," she began, but his fingers on the barrel of her pistol shattered the amber of her stillness to pieces.

With a muted whoosh, she fell against the covers of Lady Annabella\'s bed. Even as tears poured down her face, the silence of the night resonated—the crackle of a fire, the quartet screeching like cockney obscenities outside, the tick of the grandfather clock—accompanied by only the scrape of leather boots across the carpeted floor, chuckling deep in his throat as he began to remove the punctures that had marked his face the previous day while circling her worn frame. After some time, the moon dipped out of view and the only sound stemming from the room was the hard and simultaneous inhaling and exhaling of their barely contained breathing to escape the very depths of their tension. She moved and he stopped in his tracks.

When he sat down beside Kellee again, there was a concerned furrow in his brow and both their hands chose to rest upon his knee. "Something about you," he started, "I forget."

She gnawed her bottom lip and looked away. A casual breeze rolled through the room, bringing with it a book with the scent of old violets which had been placed buffeted aside from his safe, strewn across the couch cushions. "And what is it?" she asked softly, his quiet voice tackling the secrets within her.

He leaned over and took her hand, running his big masculine fingers up and down the delicate cleft between her thumb and forefinger. "Why would dearmaids burn," he muttered, "with the heat of passion from a man of high society? Why does my dragon breath leave neither ashes nor memories?"

Kellee turned toward him, gasping, and a warm rush engulfed both of them. His thumb slipped across her skin, his fingers circled around hers, cool and warm alike. Whatever reasons she most certainly had for burning Lady Annabella to the ground, sitting here, holding his hand, her flames extinguished completely. "Made by fire, saved by love." These words, although untrue, strummed deeply through every web-like bone in her chest, and soon enough their lovemaking was born. Olivia Ruth Shafsky shivered and bit the inside of her lip, recalling everything she had lost when she opened the door the first night.

Один способ со стронг-кофевоманом, Автор: Энн Летбридж Если книга не знакома вам, вот описание которая у меня на русском - просто сделайте пересказ: `` Маклафин никогда не забывал прекрасную Аннабель, а также тот запретный поцелуй, что они разделили. Но та невинная дева, которую он однажды знал, стала скандально известной светской львицей Эдинбурга. Какая правда стоит за устрашающей репутацией Леди Аннабель? Случайная встреча с красивым горцем вновь разжигает глубокие чувства, которые были погребены, но бедной Аннабель не по карману роскошь любви. Планируется незаконный полуночный роман, прежде чем они отправятся каждый своей дорогой, даже если одного ночи страстных наслаждений может быть не достаточно''.


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One Night with the Highlander (Ann Lethbridge).

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