Magische Novembertage (Anke Hohl-Kayser).

"Magische Novembertag" Автор: Anke Hohl-Kayzer - это романтическая история, которая рассказывает о молодой женщине по имени Клара, которая внезапно встречает свою первую настоящую любовь в один прекрасный ноябрьский день. Этот роман повествует о том, как любовь может изменить жизнь и бросить вызов всем жизненным ситуациям, с которыми мы сталкиваемся ежедневно.

Клара - молодая и талантливая писательница, которая занимается спортом и живет со своей матерью и братом. Ее жизнь довольно обычная и предсказуемая, пока она не встречает Дэна, удивительного разработчика приложений. Дэн меняет ее мировоззрение и заставляет задуматься о своих отношениях с близкими людьми.

Marzia has just started her first semester of Communication Studies. From the moment she arrives at the students' village, she starts to immerse in a whole new world, overnight she becomes friends with someone from Bhutan, deals with artificial Christmas trees, has spam removed from her flat and enjoys an unforgettable get-together at Lander's house. The summer before Marzia's first year, he found himself alone on the bus to Vienna, he met the most extraordinary person who led him to faces from America to Thailand, and he discovers what love means when he has a crush on his friends' girl.\nMarzia didn't know Menno at school, but soon they become best friends, just like her friend Stefanie and her new boyfriend Marcel. All four live together in a student village in Schönau. Almost immediately Menno also wins the affections of Stefanie.\nStefanie also includes in her cocoon of close friends all of the members of a band which plays to open the taster concerts of Klangforum Wien: the bass player Kevin, who comes from Golling, Maxberger, the guitarist who doesn't play, tries to project an image of coolness Rainer, the drummer, her boyfriend Frankenstein, her brother Bernhard, definitely an angel, Philipp from Annaberg, and Maciek fromPoland. Stefanie's immediate social universe has a dark side, too: night after night they are visited by criminals who attempt to steal the band's equipment.\nFirst it's the lead guitar of Stefan, then the computer her father gave her as a present, next comes his studio monitor, and finally the microphone system. And all the time Marzen would reappear in the room - or at least that is how it seems...\nIn Marzia weeks go by and life continues. She finds closure for her lost letter, which was burned. At a poetry reading organized by Miguel Discobar she meets Josef Dermel and will do everything he asks of her in return for a snapchat of Chiquilla's birthday party that goes viral. Rafael is back and at Oskar's wedding he brings the main mode of transport to the destination country: a jeep. At university Marzia sponsors the political debate show - together with Antonia she convinces Miguél that this is more fun and more serious than tedium.\nIt gets even more complicated when the Janus unit sent by Jan Brouwer shows up in Schönberg.\nLouise has managed charge her way through the rail journey to Austria, leaving Simon instead, traveling on a surveillance plane with a crew charged with getting as close as possible to Louise without her finding out anything about the case.



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Magische Novembertage (Anke  Hohl-Kayser).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Magische Novembertage
  • Автор: Anke Hohl-Kayser
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783957659798