Книга "Leda" Автор: Андреас А.Ф. Тробс

"Leda" - это история о любви, которая не знает границ. Молодая девушка по имени Елена влюбляется в Антонио, но ее отец против этого брака. Он хочет, чтобы Елена вышла замуж за богатого и влиятельного мужчину. Но Елена не готова отказаться

Leda is an important Jewish holy book that runs over the entire New Testament. But it was regarded as a lost sacred text. The leading Swiss-German theologian Andreas Tröbs dedicates his teaching - book to the careful reconstruction and translation of this book, which is also - in thought - diachronically closely connected to Qumran research. As the context, Jesus Christ is only one of the "Messiah" and therefore pared it is also more or less contradictory in its clear inclination towards magical undertones and is thus beyond narrow underdog conceptions of what it means to be God.



Leda (Andreas A.F. Tröbs).

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