Kaum vermessen - schon vergessen (André Marcher).

Can there be anything interesting in a profession whose science "geodesy" is rightly referred to as the mother of mathematics by experts? Who is involved in such a dry subject, how are geodesies perceived in life, and what impact does their work have? If you have never asked such or similar questions in your life, then this little book is exactly what you need! The author, André Marchier, is a geodesist. Or more precisely, a land surveyor. After reading his daily stories, you will learn a lot about what surveyors do all day long, why fields are cleared, what courtyards are and why they need to separate themselves. If you want to know how your shoes get to Pakistan, what a rasher is, why Saxons do not like thorns, and what connection there is between surveyors and hikers, then you should read this book.


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Kaum vermessen - schon vergessen (André Marcher).

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