Josephine and the wondrous smashed green peas of dreams (Anastasiia Perova).

"Josephine and the Wondrous Smashed Green Peas of Dreams" is a novel by author Anastasiia Perov. The story follows Josephine as she struggles to survive in a chaotic world filled with war and political instability.

In the year 1945, Josephine is just 12 years old and living in the suburbs of a war-torn city. Her father has been killed in battle, her mother has gone missing, and her sister has disappeared. Amidst all this chaos, Josephine must learn to navigate the streets and survive on her own.

Her struggles are not without purpose, however. As she searches for clues about her sister and embarks on an adventure across the country, she encounters miraculous green peas that transport her into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Here, she meets an ancient wizard, Baphomet, who guides her through a series of challenges and tests to unlock the secrets

Good morning, readers. My name is Anastasia Perova and I am a publisher. Today I invite you to read the amazing story about the girl named Josephine. Perhaps you already know her, and maybe not at all. Well, here is my version:

The story is about my Josephine or, as she likes to call herself, Jo. The Second World War was just going through its midway period when Josefine was born in her village in Pomerania, Poland, to Maria and a father Herman. She had an indifferent grandmother and two older cousins, Klaus and Corinna. Maria worked in a people's sewer department and cared for her family imperceptibly. Her father never came back from the frontlines and she never made any attempts to know what was happening in the world. That'show she slipped her mind into the dream world she lived in.

As Josefine grew older, she realised how odd she felt among the other children. Throughout school years she sat apart and not being able to make close friends, suffering from many injuries and disappointments. At school, young Josephine was mocked for being smart and different. Every day she heard insults on her looks, manner, lack of feelings and restricted family. It was as if her classmates grabbed the sword of shame and stabbed her with it on a daily basis. Her future seemed bleak, the only thing she knew for sure was that the place she belonged would be filled with be containers for the culvers she was sent. Until she met Dreamy Rodion at the shore. Rodion loved nothing in his whole life which could be eaten so much as the shells around the old castle ruins. This incident inspired her to situation her worker hand to helping other members and make her abandoned cardboard ferries chart it into infinite routes and unexpected directions.


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Josephine and the wondrous smashed green peas of dreams (Anastasiia Perova).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Josephine and the wondrous smashed green peas of dreams
  • Автор: Anastasiia Perova
  • Категория: Историческая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 16+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005956705