The Winter Queen (Amanda McCabe).

"The Winter Queen" by Amanda McCabe is an historical romance set in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The story follows Rosamund, a young court lady who finds herself mesmerized by the court's festive atmosphere and seduced by Anton Gustavsen, an intelligent but secretive nobleman who proves to be more than he seems.

As the events unfold, Rosamund and Anton are drawn into a web of danger and forbidden passion with the unspoken threat of betrayal at the center. In this turbulent time, their romantic union faces political and familial enemies while the sparks of discontent threaten the stability of their fragile relationship.

Amanda McCabe's portrayal of the historic era and its changing power dynamics is beautifully captured in her evocative language. Rosamund's innocence and blind


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The Winter Queen (Amanda McCabe).

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