Never Forget Your Name (Alwin Meyer).

"Never Forget Your Name", a book by Alwin Meyer, captures the testimonies of children who were imprisoned in Auschwitz during World War II. Meyer drew on decades of intensive research into the memories of these young survivors, interviewing them and the descendants of survivors directly after the war.

These children experienced trauma beyond imagining upon arriving at Auschwitz; they either lost their parents or were locked in a concentration camp where they spent most of their time in hiding, agonizing hunger, shock, fear of death, loneliness, pain, sickness and neglect. These events have scarred their souls and prevented them from reclaiming their memories. However, through the sympathy Meyer brings into his historical reconstruction of traumatic events, the book manages to move the reader to the depths of commiseration and revulsion. He evokes compassion as he witnesses the children struggling against their harrowing realities, simultaneously desperate to regain the love and protection of their lost parent or sibling, confused about geography, blocked from reforming social experiences and


#историческая литература

Never Forget Your Name (Alwin Meyer).

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