Home Front U.S.A. America During World War II (Allan Winkler M.).

Новые исследования по Второй мировой войне продолжают расширять наше понимание событий того времени. С каждым годом мы узнаем все больше о триумфах и трагедиях, связанных с участием Америки в этом значимом конфликте. Воспользуясь этим углубленным осознанием достижений как солдат, так и гражданского населения, и лучшим пониманием последствий принятых решений, Аллан Винклер представляет третье издание своего популярного сериального тома. Основываясь на последних исторических исследованиях и включая множество новых, тщательно подобранных фотографий, третье издание книги "Home Front U.S.A." продолжает размышления о вопросе "правильной войны", моральных последствиях использования атомной бомбы, последствиях расширения роли женщин, афроамериканцев, американских евреев, а также об интернировании японцев правительством США и опыте других людей, которые, хотя и были отчуждены от основного общества, внесли значительный вклад в успешное противодействие нацией своему величайшему вызову.

New scholarship on World War ll continues to expand our knowledge of this crucial period in American history. As new information is uncovered every year about both the victories and the tragedies thereof, new editions of books such as this from Allan Winkler muge become invaluable additions to the collections of serious scholars as well as laypersons.

The third edition of​Winkler’s well-known series, Home Front USA: America during World Warll, takes a fresh look at some of the darker aspects of the war to come to grips with the complexities of the "good war", as some have called it. Winkler poses timely questions such as how did the use of atomic bombs impact the moral compass of the Allied Allies and why did they choose this path? How did the expansion of women's roles during the war affect society and how did this impact their lives? How should African-Americans be viewed in the context of the suffering of Japanese-Americans during the same time period and how should these groups be viewed against the backdrop of persecution of ethnic groups in Nazi Germany and Japan? Challenging even today because of their controversial topics, these are serious questions that demand thoughtful deliberation. This volume also ponders the experiences of all those not part of the mainstream during the Second World War whose contributions to the war effort were still important to saving the country. Despite the book’s often sobering them, Winkler shows a humanity and sensitivity that belies its sometimes brooding nature and enhances the reader's appreciation of one of history's most defining moments.

New scholarship on World War continues to deepen our comprehension. Every passing year, we learn more about both the inspiring triumphs and tragic setbacks of America's participation in that momentous confrontation. Allan Winkler taps into this better grasp of the achievements of both combatants and civilian auxiliaries, and to a more authentic awareness of consequences plodded down, while producing the most up-to-date illustrated edition of Volume 3 of his popular Home Front USA series. Amid the latest discussion in historical literature, this new edition features many meticulously selected photos, the latest fresh edition of Home Frontier USA continually investigates the issue of "the righteous conflict", the ethical ruffles of the utilization of the atom bomb, and interpretations associated with increasing effective roles filled by women, people of color, Jewish folks from America, incarcerations of Japanese people at the field of the federal country, and experiences of lots of other societies, who, even though having expert a part at the edges of main stream society, significantly contributed to the country's progressive accomplishment in its most essential complications.


#книги о войне

#историческая литература

Home Front U.S.A. America During World War II (Allan Winkler M.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Home Front U.S.A. America During World War II
  • Автор: Allan Winkler M.
  • Категория: Книги о войне
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118822654