The Sister Secret - The Beckett Sisters Saga, Book 1 (Unabridged) (Alison Claire Grey).

Книга Сестры Беккет Систерс Сага Автора Алин Клэр Грей - это история о трех сестрах, которые столкнулись с трудными испытаниями в жизни. Они вынуждены были бороться со своими личными проблемами и преодолевать препятствия, которые возникли на их пути.

Первая часть серии The Sister Secret рассказывает нам историю молодой семьи, которая живет в Нью-Йорке в 1940-х годах. Женщины сталкиваются с самыми различными трудностями: от войны до бедности и унижения в обществе. Несмотря на эти проблемы, сестры Беккет, возглавляемые старшей сестрой Люси, становятся примером того, что настоящая дружба и верность могут преодолеть любые трудности. Они борются за свое счастье и благополучие, сохраняя при этом чувство юмора и оптимизма во время любых испытаний.

Книга изобилует острым юмором, драматическими событиями и неожиданными поворотами сюжета. Каждый персонаж имеет свою судьбу и черты характера, что придает читающей легкости и вдохновения. В истории поднимаются вопросы о любви, браке, семье, социализации, этике и морали.

В общем, "Сестры Беккет" - это великолепный роман о молодости, мужестве, трудности и любви. Рекомендуем всем, кто хочет насладиться искренними эмоциями и красотой истории про семейные узы и человеческие чувства.

A post apocalyptic romance which, at its core, is the tale of sisters who risk everything to protect the world by unleashing a powerful transformation on themselves.\nIn this incredible adventure, think mirror dimensions, time travel, and quantum entanglement woven through a historical tale from the books brilliant and imaginative creator Alison Grey.A new concept in time travel: Mirror Worlds - where the landscape is ever-changing, between past, present and future.\nChrissie, Emma and Livvy Powel, who trace their ancestry back to four Highborn Sisters, are sent on one final mission - to stop a dark and terrifying secret that has come back to haunt their family long after its use.\nThey must go back in time to find the place where their ancestors were cast out by a group of conniving commoners - fighting those sorcerers and witches who sought to destroy the Highborn for her momentary interference.But it all goes terribly wrong when Chrissie and Emma are trapped in an alternate reality, later known as the Mirror World - never to return to their original timeline.\nTheir world is repeatedly split; entangled with all realities and universes, enabling them the inspirational ability to disguise themselves between the mirror-like time fates girls brought about. Ending suffering for grown-ups leads them finally to find each other - and their whole world set on a collision course with their own selves.\nEach sister has unique gifts - a time particle beacon shoe that orbits the White Rabbit, a knack for manipulation as they seize headlines around the globe, plus spiritual connection - abilities that are only tech-enabled when the three sisters are together, as one.The trouble with logic here? None of this tracks.\nSwapping places, seamlessly fitting into the lives of friends, foes, roommates and love interests, the sisters soar deeper into a journey unlike any others they've experienced, yet overlooked the challenges of their personal lives.\nAgent Dave Edge, a gifted serial-killer hunter was unaware of the consequences until Emer knocks him out cold by which she found herself bouncing above the streets of London town.\nReggie, Spencer and Mack Barnett, a popular YouTube phase blogging webcammers banded together recently but suddenly became strangers when Erma seems to take over embraced one of Spence.\nAnd Barney, Law & Order thinker, stops shining when it's revealed he has a chemistry-defying silent partner - Eve formally Chrysalis.\nComplicating the situation even further is Laura Powell, Christie and Tricia Mullins, iris sisters and the prime thinkers for the survival of Forgiveness - nearly irredeemably stranded by the failure of one of a highborn sisters.\nAll the while the peace arraying on the surface of the Earth collapses and the sisters of power, know the only way to undo the curse of time sorcery is by breaking it themselves - targeting their evil selfs and taking up the challenge that they quickly figured their strangely disallowed fates mean.\nBut then they are pushed to join forces - with the decreet of The Army of Terror arranging a plan of knockdown for them to work together.\nWith a series of deadly complications unsettling their new selves - lost parents, living grandmothers, unoiled conflicts with loved ones and school, it's just the beginning of the realisation it was the entire world looking up to them when really none of them could possibly be prepared."




The Sister Secret - The Beckett Sisters Saga, Book 1 (Unabridged) (Alison Claire Grey).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Sister Secret - The Beckett Sisters Saga, Book 1 (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Alison Claire Grey
  • Категория: Триллеры
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781624617409