Grüß Gott Großvater ich bin's (Alfred Landmesser).

**Grüß Gott, Großvatar, ich bin'Fredi';** Автор: Alfred Landmessers

. In his youth, Ferdino was baptized. Then, as a child, he has a grandfather named Opa. Grandfather Opa was married to Oma. There was in fact an aunt and an uncle who visited Opa from time to time. Even grandparents were busy relatives. Nonetheless, it is not significant of what have the latter with us and the fact is that after a while, grandparents have still got the sense of humor, always stick together with oomph and ready to overcome obstacles. And any of us has always expected on the other hand, it would be the same, and



Grüß Gott Großvater ich bin's (Alfred Landmesser).

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