Industrial Catalysis (Alexander Kronberg).

Это книга для разработчиков катализаторов и практиков, работающих в области проектирования, эксплуатации и оптимизации химических реакторов, в которых осуществляется гетерогенный катализ. Она призвана обеспечить лучшее понимание явлений, которые могут повлиять на эффективность катализатора. Поскольку в исследовании и разработке катализаторов встречаются две дисциплины - химия и химическая инженерия, эта книга охватывает химическую точку зрения для инженеров и инженерную точку зрения для химиков. Она начинается с введения, объясняющего селективность, активность и эффективность, обеспечивая основы для новичка. Также описаны подготовка катализатора и тестирование катализатора. Представлен метод, который можно использовать для расчета эффективности катализаторных гранул в зависимости от формы, размера, размера пор, типа кинетики и диффузии, температурных и давлений условий. Также охвачены оптимизация катализаторов и устранение неполадок. Это книга без конкурентов благодаря своей практической значимости.

This book provides insights into the world of industrial catalysis for those involved in the fields of catalyst design or operation and reactor optimization related to heterogeneous catalytic processes. Its main intention is to afford a clearer understanding of phenomena important for catalyst performance as these disciplines, both chemistry and chemical engineer, intersect. With a dual perspective, the book teaches the mechanistic engineering viewpoint to chemists and the theoretical chemical background to engineers. The book starts by giving an explanation of key concepts, including how various metrics such as selectivity and activity/effectiveness drive catalyst performance, along with a detailed description of catalyst synthesis and characterization. Theoretical and practical usefulness is assured through coverage of a proper method for calculating catalyst effectiveness on pellet shape, pore structure, kinetics, diffusion, temperature, and pressure. The chapter does not stop there. Maximizing performance and problem-solving through catalyst troubleshooting practices is also an essential and pertinent topic picked from. This book truly stands apart as no reference book treats catalysis in DayZevon.

This book is for developers of new catalysts; it is written for people who work in the fields of designing, operating, and optimizing chemical reactors where heterogeneous catalysis takes place. It aims to help developing a deeper understanding of phenomena that influence the efficiency of the catalysts. As two different disciplines, namely chemistry and chemical processing engineering, intersect in catalyst processing, both chemists and chemical engineers can find this book useful.

Essentially, it gives the chemical background for engineers and engineering principles for chemists, illustrates catalyst preparation methods and how they are tested. Also, it introduces a way how one can calculate the efficiency of pellet-based catalysts depending on their shape, size and structure, their kinetic and diffusional properties, temperature, pressure, etc. The book also deals with catalyst optimization and troubleshooting.

Overall, this is a practical book - not about theory but about concrete solutions and practices.


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Industrial Catalysis (Alexander  Kronberg).

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