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Книга пользователя **Alex Itsios** Hades Online - это фэнтези книга, которая основана на ролевой онлайн-игре. Она рассказывает о молодом рыцаре, который получает задание собрать пять великих рыцарей, чтобы спасти свой народ и возлюбленную от нападения злого существа из леса. Книга предлагает несколько вариантов действий для решения этой задачи, позволяя читателю принимать свои собственные решения и следить за развитием событий. Рекомендуется всем любителям жанра фэнтези и поклонникам жанра игр. Не рекомендуется для несовершеннолетних читателей.

КНИГА HADES ONLINE Автор: Алекс Ициос Если эта книга вам незнакома, вот описание, которое я нашел для вас: Просто переделайте его, заменив "Hades Online" своим названием: ** The Fate of Their True Love is in Danger** When the village of young Melanthious is attacked by the flesh-eating beast of Cedarwood, everything seems lost. Until they make him a knight and entrust him with a mission: to gather the five great knights who can help them to save their people and their great love. Facing his internal demons, Melanthious faces three options: Abandoning this impossible mission and allowing his people, his great love to be eaten by the beast who has captured them; sacrificing his benefactors, the five great knights, as ordered by the evil meat tree as part of the payment to free his people and his beloved, or somehow making the great knights face such terrible power that even the most fearsome of the beasts would quail before it. ** HADES** ONLINE: The Knight of Fire is a science fiction and fantasy story based on a role-playing game LitRPG following the tradition of novels like: "Sword Art ** The fate of their true love is in danger** When the village of the young Melanthous is attacked by the meat-eating beast from Cedarwood's forest, everything seems to be lost. Until he is made a knight and tasked with a mission: gathering the five great knights to help them to rescue their people, their great love Losing against his demoniacal inner conflicts, Melanthosis has three choices: abandoning this impossiblere mission and leaving their people and the great love they have been captured to be eaten up by the beast that has kidnapped him, sacrificing their benefactors, these great five knights as ordered by this wicked(ём) meat tree as a reward for freeing their peoples and their beloved, and somehow making these five grand knights confront a terrible force that even this fearful of the fiends' quake before them. **"HADES" ONLINE: "The Knight of Fire" is a science fi**ction and fantasy tale based on role-playing games LitRPG triad that tradition running novel titolized as,"SWORD ART ONLINE", "That Time I got Reincarnation as Slime," and "OVERLORD."


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Hades Online (Alex Itsios).

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