Robinson Crusoe von Daniel Defoe (Alessandro Dallmann).

"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe is a classic tale of a mariner who finds himself stranded on an island after a shipwreck. The novel was published in 1709 and became a classic of British literature, with three editions appearing that same year. The book also continues the tradition of English novels begun by Defoe, and it explores the effects of religious reformation.

The story begins at the birth of Robinson Crusoe, a brave young man who was born in Bremen in 1632. His father, knowing that sea is his son's calling, cautions him to stay away from the ocean that he may not perish when roaming the waters. Robinson however does not listen, takes off without permission and winds up becoming the victim of pirates and being kidnapped into slavery. He experiences hardships on the island, but soon learns how to survive and build a life for himself. Along the way, he meets other characters and experiences most different kinds of conflict, including captivity, liberation, and humanity. "Robinson Crusoe," a timeless story, suggests that people's flaws lie alongside their virtues and reveals the importance of understanding both for a better life.

Робинзон Крузо стоит на первых страницах истории приключенческой английской литературы. Робинзон - потерпевший кораблекрушение моряк, всю свою жизнь связанный судьбой с необитаемым островом. Этот роман о нем заслужили в 17 веке, что открыло традицию английского романа жанра нон-фикшн.



Robinson Crusoe von Daniel Defoe (Alessandro Dallmann).

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