Emilia Galotti (Alessandro Dallmann).

The book Emilia by Emilia Galotti was written by Alessandro Dallaeman. Although you may not be familiar with the book, let me give you a description that I have found:

Alessandro dallaman's epic novel Emilia tells the story of a woman's struggle for freedom and justice against the tyranny of her husband, a nobleman who controls her every move and desires her to conform to his expectations. Set in Florence in the late 16th century, Emilia is surrounded by a family culture where women are considered nothing more than property and silent adornments to male dominance.

The novel centers on Emilia's year of courtship with a young nobleman, Nathan. Expecting that marriage will set him free of the need for daily torturing from his wife, Nathan discovers that he is mistaken. Emilia renews her faith in love and self-assertion in a world where power struggles prevail over civic ideals. Her independent spirit comes to the forefront as she tries to triumph over her family's obstacles and resolves to return to Florence to live her own life.



Emilia Galotti (Alessandro Dallmann).

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