Бразды правления (Александр Левин). 2019г.

"Бразды правления" - это роман о женщине по имени Раиса Мухина, которая должна выбрать между своим бывшим мужем и новым соседом. Раиса недовольна поведением своего мужа, который стал апатичным и ленивым. Когда у них появляется новый сосед, Семен Задубнов, между ними возникают конфликты. Раиса пытается помириться с соседом и даже начинает проводить время с ним, оставив мужа. Она узнает, что ее муж встречается с другой женщиной и решает помочь ему, передав "бразды правления" Алисе, чтобы вернуться к Семену. В конце концов, Раиса понимает, что должна оставить бывшего мужа в покое и возвращается к Семену, чтобы жить счастливо. Роман написан настолько увлекательно, что читатель не сможет оторваться от истории.

Книга - описание (допустим, англ. пересказ): District Attorney Author: Alexander LevinBut if you don't know the author is Alexander Levin, here's a description I had prepared for you: Raisa Mukhina was fed up with her husband Vasily who was slow towards retirement, lazy, and cowardly. Not long ago, their new neighbour Semyon Zadubov started making a renovation. Unfortunately, he didn't care much about their interests and so fights between the three were inevitable. More recently, Raisa happened to see how Vasily was at odds with Semyon. Her husband muttered and cowered, while Semyon demanded what's his due. Out of impulse, Raisa stepped in and told Semyon off, but instead of thanking her, she drew her husband into an embarrassing shouting display. She found out that there was no point of getting into arguments with people living next door and so she and Semyon made up. Shortly after, she invited him to go see a performance and in return, he invited her to his house. Being somewhat wary, Raisa allowed it due to a soft spot for Semyon's attention, yet Vasily demurred, saying that he doesn't like seeing his neighbor. To everyone's surprise, the evening flew by as Semyon showed an alarming amount of interest in Raisa. When the night drew to an end, Semyon confessed that he had been watching her from afar and now felt she was the one he liked. Overjoyed, and lacking any further curiosity towards the neighbour, Raisa came back home, gossiping gleefully about Semyon doing a good job on her. Somehow, Vasily took offense, complaining that Raisa was over the age to feel like it. Shortly thereafter, she leaves with Semyon and despite all the trouble Vasyli brought upon himself, Raiska was firm on keeping the arrangement going. But one day, outside a grocery store, her former husband, Vasyili, brings another woman, Alice over.


#социальная психология

#семейная психология



#любовь и отношения

Бразды правления (Александр Левин). 2019г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Бразды правления
  • Автор: Александр Левин
  • Категория: Социальная психология
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 2019г.
  • Возрастная категория: 16+
  • Язык: Русский
  • Из Серий: Сериал «Понять. Простить»
  • Паблишер: ТелеАльянс Медиа Групп