The Little Violinist (Aldrich Thomas Bailey).

"The Little Violinist" - это книга для детей, написанная Аннетт Гарднер. Она рассказывает историю о маленькой девочке по имени Эмили, которая мечтает стать виртуозным скрипачом. Однако, ее семья не имеет достаточно денег, чтобы купить ей настоящий скрипичный инструмент. Эмили начинает играть на самодельной скрипке, сделанной из коробки от обуви, и она очень талантлива. В конечном итоге, она получает возможность играть на настоящей скрипке и выступать перед публикой. Книга вдохновляет читателей на то, что мечты могут стать реальностью, если упорно работать и не сдаваться.

The story opens with a violinist and her mother fleeing from a cruel uncle after an accidental killing. Unsure of where else to go, the two end up in part of town where even the local children are nervous to talk to strangers.\nThe little violinist\'s baby sister dies soon after leaving their uncle\'s residence, and when the mother becomes ill because of the privation, some of the adults in the neighborhood slash the sister\'s throat to stop the mother from insulting them.\nThough the young violinist has suffered severely, she does not want the kind neighbors who have offered to take her and her mother in to believe that someone would harm them anyway.\nAlthough she pledges that she will return one day, she escapes into the semi-wilderness surrounding the district.\nShe befriends two clever dogs, Moon and Bulrush.\nOver the course of the novel, the young girl has several brushes with death, but her courage and cunning save her each time.\nAfter a long shoot-out between representatives of white society and their opponents, consisting of members and sympathizers of Native Americans, comes the moment when the young violinist decides to return to the community.\nHowever, her decision is temporarily overruled by a series of mysterious deaths which occur, presumably, at her direction.\nOnly then does the narrator pour his mind over what really happened to the little violinist (and her personality) during her five years spent outside the settlement.\nThis intriguing fairytale, tantalizingly weaves together elements of romance, adventure, Indian myths, love, loss, tragedy, triumph over adversity to honestly present a world of contrasts, tragicomic situations, prejudice, hopefulness and terminating in a sincere feeling that perhaps, given the right time and indefinite competence, "the littlest things that we thought impossible can become realities".


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The Little Violinist (Aldrich Thomas Bailey).

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