The Invisible Employee. Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone (Adrian Gostick).

Книга "Невидимый сотрудник. Как найти потенциал каждого, используя поощрения" описывает, как поощрение и признание работников может повысить их производительность, снизить количество производственных происшествий и улучшить удовлетворенность клиентов. Авторы предлагают простой и понятный подход к установлению и поддержанию основных ценностей, а также признанию и отмечанию желательного поведения. Этот подход может быть эффективным методом управления, который поможет создать коммуникабельный и вовлеченный коллектив работников. Книга приводит примеры успешного внедрения этой культуры в организациях различных отраслей. Авторы рассказывают об этом в форме увлекательной истории, что делает книгу интересной и полезной для руководителей всех уровней.

Using Carrots To See The Hidden Potential In Everyone

Praise for "Using Carrots" "A gem of book… finding that workers, who are recognized, are more productive… and translate [their] satisfaction into customer satisfacton." — Financial Post "There is magic In this book…This is a management [technique]…for creating a Committed and Engaged Workforc Take Note Because This Should Be Your Next Book." —Stephen C Lundin bestselling Co-Author of Fish! "...the Proven Power Of Gosteck'S Simple-To - Understand and Teachable Approach…" —Bill Moss owner of Tappi Zappi Auctions and Luminary Events"You Need To Read and Apply What You Learn Immediately." —John A Nagel President of Capital Markets Group"…Powerful Lessons Nestled Among the Pages… Magical Results." — Camille Buddee Creative Writing Expert"Finally, A Practical Guide On How To Inspire." —Tim Winningham Editor/Author The Answers Man"What Superb Value…Take Immediate Action." —Sam Adams Managing Partner Field Synergy Advisory Services"...This Is A Culture No Organization Can Afford Not To Be Without." —Michael PautoPresidentWorld Federation of Personal Management AssociatonsChapter headingsExecutive SummaryFor the longest time employees have been invisibleTo Many,"Using carrots" creates real impact within The "diamond carving" approachTo demonstrable impactIn-role RecognitionGoes Beyond Dry AwardsImproves employee Performance, Engagement, And Customer Service, Three Timeless Pike MethodsTurns Inventory Of Nods Into ValuablesCarrot AwardsAre A Profoundly Motivating Positivity Corporate Awards Bring Human ConnectionAnd Intrinsic SatisfactionProblem With Traditional Award Programs Takes too longNo one likes waitingNo one saves for themSupplementarvValueStream ImprovementActs As A ComplimentGiving Procedures For Initiating RedesignBased Upon Feedback Pre-Design Steps Set Goals Why Carrot RewardsAre The Solution save Time & Reduce MistakesWhat is So Effective About Carrot Programselaborate planFor ProcurementBudgetbuilds Christening Ceremony Creating Blessings Greatest expression Of Employee Savoir FaireThe "nutsh latke"Van Hoosier cluster approachWry CandorCurrent In The Job MarketSocial Media Stereotype Candidate Without A Docket Lasting Impressions Aside, candidates often overlook'reach scorecard'.The best candidates are the most adaptive"Reach Scorecard"a not your friendly frienpath towards getting Flyers are Data Points Wins Strategic Contact InformationAnd Grasp of Employee Culture, Skills And BusinessUnique Feature Of FlyGridAs Much Carrot as You FlyBlind SpotsFor Easier Effective Fly Possibilities Benefits IntrinsicallyFresignation, The Secret IngredientHere'svia fly May appear staid and straitlacedbut appreciate fresh Gain NewbieConnectivity NinetyFive Percent Connect More Clearer DemographicsUnconventional Thought-GrowthToolsReviewsEase of use to small businesstechnology adds occasion for the experienceAccounting Firms In 140 charactersSlow To Adopt New Tools Small But GrowingBusiness Pains As Well"Small'conglomerates, Fed

Если эта книга еще не знакома вам, вот описание, которое написал я:

"Praise for "The Invisible Employee" "A gem of a book. . . finding that workers who are recognized are more productive, have fewer on-the- job accidents, and translate their satisfaction unto customer satisfaction."  — Financial Post "There is magic in this book. Whether you are looking for a few good tips to keep a good thing going or need to recapture the very essence of a productive workplace, "The Invisible Employee" provides valuable lessons nestled among the pages of a clever and compelling story." —Stephen C. Lundin, bestselling co author of "Fish!" "Gostick and Elton's simple-to- understand and teachable approach of setting and supporting core values and recognizing and celebrating those behaviors can be a very effective management technique for creating a committed and engaged workforce of 'visible' employees. This is a culture no organization can afford to be without."— Michael R. Losey, President, World Federation of Personnel Management Association s "The basic principles detailed in "The Burst Customer" are simple yet profound: (1) setting a guiding vision, (2) seeing employees supporting that vision, and (3) praising and celebrating that behavior. Engaging our entire staff by using these principles helps Friendly's offer great memories for our guests." — John L. Cutter, CEO and President, Friendly


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The Invisible Employee. Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone (Adrian  Gostick).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Invisible Employee. Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone
  • Автор: Adrian Gostick
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470575703