"The Island Of Charon" by Alexandra Kryutchkova, can be considered a philosophical thriller reminiscent of the stories by Alain de Saint Ex. The main focus of the novel is on a mysterious lighthouse known as the "Wish Tree," where wizards fulfill wishes. Alisa struggles with personal fears of drowning as she sees a scary face in the shadows of the lighthouse. She encounters a strange boy named Noah who seems to know more than he should. Together they try to uncover the truth behind the light-house
Книга "Остров Харона" является философским триллером в духе А. де Сент-Экзюпери. Маяком этого острова является Древо Желаний. Колдуны исполняют желания за пару фонарей, но у Алисы кошмары, связанные с её собственным утоплением, её преследует тень умершей пчеловода, и странный маленький ребенок зовет её мамой.
Электронная Книга «The Island of Charon. Playing Another Reality. Antoine de Saint-Exupery Award» написана автором Alexandra Kryuchkova в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 18
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9785005639400
Описание книги от Alexandra Kryuchkova
“THE ISLAND OF CHARON” is a philosophical thriller in the spirit of A. de Saint-Exupery. The lighthouse of that Island is the Wish Tree. Magicians fulfill dreams for a couple of lanterns, but Alice has nightmares about her own drowning, she is haunted by the shadow of the late beekeeper, and a strange child calls her mom. Can the victim and the executioner, in love with each other, unravel the secret of the Island’s owner, who lives in the Cemetery of Memories, to leave the cursed place forever?