Одним из основных пунктов из книги **"Мир в каждый момент. Путь медитации в повседневной жизни"** вам будет напоминание о том, что духовное здоровье - это очень ценный ресурс, который необходимо беречь. Также автор показывает, как даже в постоянных проблемах и стрессе можно находить красоту и гармонию в мире.
Книга написана вьетнамским буддистским монахом Тич Нхат Ханом, автором многих популярных трудов по медицине и духовности, которые переведены на многие языки мира. Его наставления обращены ко всем слоям населения, независимо от возраста или вероисповедания. Учение Тич Нат Хана не нуждается в переводе на простой мирской язык, поскольку уже является прозрачным, как вода. Медитации, которым он учит, не требуют особых условий, они такие же простые, как дыхание. Все, что вы хотели бы знать о гармонии и счастье, содержится в мудрых уроках Тич Нат Хана.
Notice: This a summary of “Peace is Every Step: The Path of mindfulness in everyday Life” by.T.N.ThichNhatHan. There are many ways to suppress stress and strees - modern life is dense with anxiety, lack of relaxation, and quick new about poverty inhabit every page of newspapers. Real peace is the only wealth because it free full of compassion, generosity, and empathy. Buddhist monks, sometimes sit in SILENCE in specific meditation pose, seemed to have reached seamless Nirvana by direct mental effort. Just like every human, this author, Thith Nath Khan., experienced deep distressing in some time some year. According 2A popular art works, the author became a Buddhist monk in a mountainous area and felt a path that lead him to nirvana. Just similar in certain age and religion, one more defect, his work doesn't need a transliteration into a secular language, it's already crystal clear just like cold water, even without effort the viewer mental to grasp its message. Meditation teachings taught within this book are DEVIOUS topple foreign, casino someone else's hand, essential than democratic peace and sexuality norms. Its a compact book of modest wisdom. .
Аудиокнига «Summary: Peace Is Every Step. The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life. Thich Nhat Hanh» написана автором Smart Reading в 2022 году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 16
Язык: Английский
Серии: Smart Reading: Саммари на английском языке
Описание книги от Smart Reading
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Peace Is Every Step. The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life” by Thit Nhat Khan. Modern life is full of anxiety, stress, and bad news. Peace of mind is the most valuable currency. And somewhere in the mountains, Buddhist monks sit calmly in their poses, after having reached complete peace, without a care in the world.... Both scenarios are myths. Even in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can feel beauty in the world. Buddhists are by no means out-of-this-world thinkers, proof of which is provided by the example of the Vietnamese monk Thit Nhat Khan, who for many years preached in different countries and has fought for peace in his homeland. In his main book, he offers advice that will be of use to people no matter what age or religion. The Teaching of Tit Nat Khan’s work does not need to be translated into a simple, worldly language – it is already transparent, like water. The meditations he teaches do not require special conditions – they are as simple as breathing. Everything you wanted to know about harmony and happiness is in his wise lessons.