Написал краткое содержание книги «Peter Pan» Джеймса М. Барри для тех, кто ещё не знаком с произведением в целом:

«Питер Пэн» — это сказка Джеймса Барри, написанная более века назад. Главный герой — Питер Пэн — улетел от своих братьев и сестёр на Остров, где нет зимы, а люди умеют летать. Эти детские фантазии и приключения с первых страниц произведения переплетаются с серьёзными размышлениями о философии жизни и смерти.

Автор проводит параллель между своим героем и маленькими детьми, которые видят все вокруг через призму своего невинного взгляда. В «Питере Пэне» преобладают реалистичные картины, которые дарят читателю настоящие детские эмоции и заряжают теплом и душевностью.

Сюжет наполнен множеством забавных приключений, настоящих волшебных

Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up. By James Matthew Barrhead. "No one has any idea how hard it is to be two different ages at the same time," Peter said as we swung in the air and skinned our knees on the jungle gym. Wendy turned somersaults while John tilted his head back until he was hanging upside down into the grass. Last summer he hitchhiked west for an outback sheep station where old gnolls with wild eyes seemed to believe conjuring bleating bramble ghosts could make a lambish lifeway a little more livelier. But recently, because of an incident at the orphanage, he'd decided he would stay fifteen for a whiff of forever - until his schooling friends were all grown up and the recriminations had hurtled him back towards engines, exams and juvenile home cliches. You see, John had it all - six foot height, athletic build and sometimes even a learning aptitude - but because he shared a space with these same peers for everywhere beyond Fifth Birthday, no one ever seriously considered him as potential grown-up. Not even Wendy, who once declared, after John had plopped onto her lawn chair beside her, "Come on, sit down you big bloke. It'll rain and you'll get wrinkles!" But suddenly John dared to wonder whether maybe Wendy might see him as she "sees everyone", and so began in earnest to remove the extra pounds he thought might hold him back. Volleyball season was just three long days away and being able to lace John's basket with a precision two pounds lighter - while also improving her form from the unfortunate shade of complete cod liver oil mush that prevented her from leaping even over the stop lights - came as something of a lifeline. But there was nothing intrinsic about the notion of growth that young naturalists might n't equate with detachment. How many boyish sidekicks, after all, are born hermits, fresh back into school following a caper of such misadventure, immediately pleading the sincerest case for detention lest they be unnecessarily prodded back down memory lane? Scrap together a bunk whistle, bolt in a garden ghoul that could pull teeth from anyone who doubts your democratic ability and good luck with the tame weapons database and a meticulously arcane Red Cross first aid manual -- those things cost years to learn! If a kid is fanatically dedicated to remaining skeezecupped for life, the kid ought to give his money and asses ... well, perhaps venturing into the third dimension isn't the wisest conclusion to arrive at. For in finding the panacea the advice labels sought, the flyatty beseecher had failed to reap the recipes necessary to carry him across the thresholds and set foot in won hearts and minds. Perhaps five altogether too young rangers were gone, but fourteen soon to grow up were still captained by their lost leader. We sat high on the garden wall, talking and swinging for a time, and then, as the minute hand passed around the face of the sun, we saw Smokewall Flats Village Teams mum turn the corner towards the forest and toward us.

Аудиокнига «Peter Pan (Integral)» написана автором James M. Barrie в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Португальский

ISBN: 9786589685234

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: James M. Barrie
  • Категория: Внеклассное чтение
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Язык: Португальский
  • Издатель: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9786589685234