Карл Май, "Пленники каравана I - В оковах рабства"
В Судане безжалостные эксплуататоры угнетают деревни коренных жителей, грабят и убивают, а затем продают жителей бесчестным торговцам. Немецкие исследователи сталкиваются с самым опасным из всех похитителей рабов, "Отец Смерти". Перед ними встают опасные приключения...
Karl May first novel is a bold adventure story set in the turbulent and lawless years when European authorities were losing control over their African colonial possessions to mercenary slavers and ruthless local warlords who preyed on and enslaved the indigenous people. The central characters are two devoted friends, Friedrich and Wilhelm, who stumble across the signature story of the West's most prolific and popular author, Karl May. In Slavery Glows takes the action to the colossal reaches of Africa, trails lap furiously behind lash whips and tell of the inspired rescue of Christianized Negroes by German scientists as they trawl the sands for scientific knowledge, ignoring the matte flying the loud jackboot. What may seem at first an intricate plot concerning a noble venture into rescue is always tempered by an inherent sense of naivety—nay,dangerous naivete—that lends this re-told famous classic its irresistible charm. But it is at moments like these , when we relive much-remembered adventure tales in which the genre's exemplary Protestant knight-errant stereotype meets the accosting credit for ever so slightly challenging past clichés and zeitgeist preferences, that we see what has made the name of May so powerful and continues to resonate with generations—and indeed, all ages—to come.If your a fan of this writer just do a reword of that description.
Аудиокнига «Karl May, Die Sklavenkarawane I - In Sklavenfesseln» написана автором Karl May в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 18
Язык: Немецкий
ISBN: 4260147777012
Описание книги от Karl May
Im Sudan unterdrücken gewissenlose Ausbeuter die Dörfer der Eingeborenen, plündern und morden und verkaufen die Bewohner an ebenso gewissenlose Händler. Deutsche Forscher stoßen auf den schlimmsten aller Sklavenräuber, den «Vater des Todes». Gefährliche Abenteuer stehen ihnen bevor…