Это издание популярного текста включает в себя последние достижения в области нейробиологии, ставшие возможными благодаря современным методам молекулярной биологии. Понимание того, как работает мозг на молекулярном уровне, позволяет исследователям лучше понять поведение, когнитивные процессы и нейропатологии. С тех пор, как шесть лет назад появилось второе издание, было выявлено гораздо больше информации о молекулярной биологии развития и ее связи с ранней эволюцией. Эта концепция «эводево» (как ее стали называть) также имеет большое значение для понимания нейропатологий, поскольку дисфункция генов раннего начала может вызвать нейродегенерацию в более позднем возрасте. Достижения в понимании геномов и протеомов ряда организмов также оказывают большое влияние на наше понимание нейробиологии.

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  • Хорошо дополняет "Основы психофармакологии" Брайана Леонарда. Эта книга будет представлять особый интерес для студентов-биологов, изучающих нейронауки, аспирантов-нейробиологов, физиологов, фармакологов. Она также является полезным базовым справочником для университетских библиотек.

Морис Элфик, Королевский колледж Лондона:

"Мне действительно нравится эта книга, и она рекомендуется в качестве учебника для моего курса по молекулярной нейробиологии. Основное достоинство книги - общая простота как формата, так и диаграмм".

This edition of the comprehensive molecular neurobiology text includes up-to-date developments in the field enabled by the rapidly advancing stratas of molecular biological methods. A solid grasp of neural systems at the level of their chemicals allows for greater insight into behavior, mental processes, and abnormal brain states, thanks specifically for improved understanding at the molecular level. Since publication of its previous edition in 2007, this text has undergone several significant improvements in light of exciting breakthroughs in the molecular-level biology and its connections to preordained evolutionary developments. Considered "evo-devo" (for "evolutionary developmental biology"), this new framework leaves a substantial landscape on recent understandings of abnormal neurological states since damaged genes or precarious developmental pathways sometime lead to detrimental neurological conditions found later in one's affairs. Up-to-the-minute info on a number of taxa's genomes and protein pools substantially influences every understanding of contemporary neurobiological inquiries. Widely associated with Generation Biology throughout the United Kingdom, Mammals, Central and South America, educational apparatuses and teachers consider this a strong text and have provided positive feedback. Good accompaniment to Brian Leonard's Generation and Practical Psychopharmacologic for Undergraduate Students and Professionals in Drug Discovery, Public Execution, and Law Enforcement. This text might be of major importance for biomedicine majors contemplating a graduate course in molecular neuroscience, graduate students interested in physiological and cognitive systems, and chemists intrigued by new ideas. It's also an essentially viable primer for intra-university libraries specializing in academic life and learning sciences. Dr. Maurice E. investigates this work and say it's easy for him and it would be his recommended text for his coursebook in relevant science.

This edition of the well-known text incorporates recent developments in neurobiology made possible by modern molecular biological techniques. An understanding of how the brain functions at the molecular level helps to improve research into understanding behaviors, cognitive processes, and neurological pathologies. Within six years of the publication of the second edition much progress has been achieved in the field of molecular biology for development and for its relationship to early evolutionary processes. This 'evodevo' framework bears directly on our knowledge of mental health pathologies, as dysfunction in early-onset genes can lead to neurodegenerative disorders later in life. Progress in our understand of organism genomes and proteinomes also influences our understanding deeply within neurobiology. Well regarded and frequently used throughout the United Kingdom, this text has received positive reviews from both students and tutors. It makes a good addition to Brian Leonard's *Fundamentals of Psychopharmaclogy*. This book should prove particularly useful to undergraduate biomedical students undertaking a Neuroscience unit, postgraduate neuroscientists, clinicians, and other researchers in fields closely related to molecular neurobiology. It forms an invaluable resource especially for university library collections.

Электронная Книга «Elements of Molecular Neurobiology - C. U. M. Smith» написана автором C. U. M. Smith в году.

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Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9780470857175

Описание книги от C. U. M. Smith

This edition of the popular text incorporates recent advances in neurobiology enabled by modern molecular biology techniques. Understanding how the brain works from a molecular level allows research to better understand behaviours, cognition, and neuropathologies. Since the appearance six years ago of the second edition, much more has been learned about the molecular biology of development and its relations with early evolution. This «evodevo» (as it has come to be known) framework also has a great deal of bearing on our understanding of neuropathologies as dysfunction of early onset genes can cause neurodegeneration in later life. Advances in our understanding of the genomes and proteomes of a number of organisms also greatly influence our understanding of neurobiology. * Well known and widely used as a text throughout the UK, good reviews from students and lecturers. * Good complement to Fundementals of Psychopharmacology by Brian Leonard. This book will be of particular interest to biomedical undergraduates undertaking a neuroscience unit, neuroscience postgraduates, physiologists, pharmacologists. It is also a useful basic reference for university libraries. Maurice Elphick, Queen Mary, University of London «I do like this book and it is the recommended textbook for my course in Molecular Neuroscience. The major strength of the book is the overall simplicity of the format both in terms of layout and diagrams.»

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: C. U. M. Smith
  • Категория: Нейропсихология
  • Тип: Электронная Книга
  • Язык: Английский
  • Издатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470857175

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