Область медицинской инструментации носит междисциплинарный характер, привлекая внимание как медицинских, так и инженерных специалистов. Число профессионалов, напрямую связанных с этой сферой, быстро растет благодаря активному проникновению медицинских приборов в систему здравоохранения. Кроме того, необходимость и желание понять принципы работы инструментов становятся все более очевидными. Большинство словарей/энциклопедий не дают детального описания биомедицинских приборов, которое могло бы расширить знания читателя о них. Зачастую технические термины в них не освещаются. Пока не будет целостной интеграции физиологических основ и инженерных принципов, лежащих в основе работы широкого спектра медицинских приборов, в одном издании, любопытство читателя не будет удовлетворено. Цель этой книги - предоставить фундаментальный справочник, который инженерное и медицинское сообщества смогут использовать для понимания технологий и применения широкого круга медицинских приборов. Книга создана таким образом, что каждому медицинскому инструменту/технологии посвящена одна-две страницы, а всего в этом издании описано около 450 медицинских приборов.
This book, Compendium Of Biomedical Instrumentation by Raghbir S Khandpur, covers all aspects of medical and healthcare technology. Obtaining huge public attention now a day, the field is growing rapidly. Linked both to medical interests and traditional engineering division, doctors, nurses, technicians as well as budding designers across profession are finding expanding grounds of competence through this extensive hub-knowledge document. While conventional dictionaries fail to delve to trove deep into the medical equipment assorted workout, this one brings clarity to plenty of known as well as new-age inventions. Major tags like elaboration are hurriedly shot for various instruments that leaves the viewer adjourned from boredom till he unravels them fully. Broader understanding taken into chief consideration it means readers of diverse qualification i.e. BE-3rd/ diploma holders, graduates postgraduates, specialists ,all are freely provided with content worthy libraries.
Электронная Книга «Compendium of Biomedical Instrumentation» написана автором Raghbir Singh Khandpur в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9781119288114
Описание книги от Raghbir Singh Khandpur
The field of medical instrumentation is inter-disciplinary, having interest groups both in medical and engineering professions. The number of professionals associated directly with the medical instrumentation field is increasing rapidly due to intensive penetration of medical instruments in the health care sector. In addition, the necessity and desire to know about how instruments work is increasingly apparent. Most dictionaries/encyclopedias do not illustrate properly the details of the bio-medical instruments which can add to the knowledge base of the person on those instruments. Often, the technical terms are not covered in the dictionaries. Unless there is a seamless integration of the physiological bases and engineering principles underlying the working of a wide variety of medical instruments in a publication, the curiosity of the reader will not be satisfied. The purpose of this book is to provide an essential reference which can be used both by the engineering as well as medical communities to understand the technology and applications of a wide range of medical instruments. The book is so designed that each medical instrument/ technology will be assigned one or two pages, and approximately 450 medical instruments are referenced in this edition.