"A Plea for a Gas Lamp" is an unabridged version of the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story takes place in Paris during the early 19th century and follows a young woman named Eugenia and her attempts to rekindle her former lover's interest in her. Despite her best efforts, she eventually gives up and starts a new life with another man; but as fate would have it, she accidentally runs into her ex-lover again, resulting in a love triangle that brings the two old lovers back together again.

The novel explores the themes of love, passion, loss, and the struggle to find fulfillment in life. It is a story that will stay with you long after you finish it, giving you a glimpse into the joys and heartaches of human life.

Это жалоба на газоразрядные лампы (Перевод с английского Роникера В.В.

Аудиокнига «A Plea for Gas Lamps (Unabridged)» написана автором Robert Louis Stevenson в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9783991176251

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