“A Father’s Love” by Cheryl Wolverton is a heartwarming story about the challenges faced by a single father who is tasked with raising twins. The millionaire Max Stevenson struggles to care for two children who require constant attention and care, but he finds himself unexpectedly attracted to their new nanny, Kaitland Summerville. As the story unfolds, Max and Kaitland must learn to forgive each other and find a way to reconcile their past relationship, while also dealing with the challenges they face in their new home. This collection of stories offers hope and inspiration to those facing difficult times in their lives, and celebrates the power of love and forgiveness.

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It’s a Great Day for a…Her Big Day!Devoted househusband Jason Hall started crying the moment he laid eyes on Hannah Burch’s face. It was love at first sight—the kind of true love that knocks a man off his seat and reminds him who he really is.But there was an issue. In a mad rush to marry Grace, their sweet library Philanderer had never formally contracted to wed.... Jason promised himself that wedded bliss would happen soon enough, as soon as he could finish writing his big binding contract.Can the price-conscious bureaucrat deliver true love in time for Hannah’s much-anticipated wedding? Check out Love Inspired, the series connected by Cheryl Wolverton. These passionate, heartfelt stories are filled with a road map to dwelling on, caring about, and figuring out how to meet the needs and demands of the future you would like for yourself and yours.

Электронная Книга «A Father's Love» написана автором Cheryl Wolverton в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781472064110

Описание книги от Cheryl Wolverton

CONGRATULATIONS…IT'S TWINS!The morning Max Stevenson found twin babies on his doorstep, he knew life was about to change…. The millionaire bachelor could barely fasten a diaper, but pledged to care for the children until a true home was found.Then Kaitland Summerville arrived as the new nanny–and Max whispered a silent prayer. Why had the good Lord turned his world upside down? His former fiancée looked more beautiful than ever. Yet her betrayal remained a painful memory. But could this hectic household finally teach Max the true meaning of forgiveness and unconditional love?Welcome to Love Inspired™–stories about life, faith and love that will lift your spirits and gladden your heart. Meet men and women facing the challenges of today's world and learning important lessons about life, faith and love.

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