Фамилия - Софронюк. Значение и происхождение фамилии.

Family name Sofronyuk - the origin, meaning. For the article use the description below:

The Sofronyuk surname belongs to the widespread type of Ukrainian surnames and is derived from the baptismal name Sofron.

After 988, every Slavic person during an official baptism ceremony received a baptism name from a priest. Such a naming allowed one to identify and distinguish a specific individual from society. Therefore, church names became the active basis for the creation of surnames. The name Sofron, which in translation from Greek means "wise". The holy patrons of this name are the patriarch of Jerusalem Sophronius and the archbishop of Cyprus Sophronius. The first defended the Orthodox faith from heretics and wrote many church hymns and the song "Praise The Holy" (Sveche Quiet"), the second was awarded, for virtuous life, the gift of miracles. Most likely, the founder of the Sofronjuk family was a respected man. In fact, surnames formed from the full form of a name, were mainly the upper class elite, or families that were highly respected in the area, whose neighbors were given the honor of calling them by the full name, whereas other social classes were addressed as young people, boys, cousins, naughty and colloquial expressions names. Probably, the formation of the family name of Sofronju began about the XIV century, due to historical processes. As from the XVI century Ukraine has closely interacted with European nations. Surname Sofronyk formed by suffix -yu. Initially, it had the following meanings: «small», «young man», «son». Therefore, Sofronjun literally meant "son of Sofron". Later, the ancient suffix -Yu lost its direct meaning and was preserved only as a family name. However,

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