Why A Drop Of Nicotine Kills A Horse



In fact, a drop of nicotine is a “horse dose” because one cigarette contains from 0.8 to 3 mg of nicotine, and the lethal dose for humans is from 0.5 to 1 mg per 1 kg of live weight.
It turns out that in order to get a drop of nicotine (let a drop = 1 gram), you need about a thousand cigarettes (1 milligram = 0.001 gram), and you need to use them right away.)
The lethal dose for a person is approximately 0.7 mg.MULTIFY by weight 70 kg = 50 mg. DELIMA by 0.8 = about 60 cigarettes at a time, but this is not 1,000 cigarettes that can kill a horse either. the weight of the heaviest breeds is 900 kg.
It turns out that in order to kill a horse, you need 1 mg to multiply by 900 kg of weight = 0.9 grams of nicotine.
Therefore, yes, indeed, 1 drop (1 gram of nicotine) can kill even the largest horse.
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