Which antivirus to use?



Unauthorized programs on your computer. The Internet is a powerful source of information located in it in various forms, text, photos, videos, audio, and all this user is trying to use to the maximum.

Such activity implies a great risk of running into virus infected sites, and has some problems with the system. Of course, you can rely on existing antivirus programs, but they do not always save.

Having the most popular anti-virus system on my computer, I received a banner on my desktop with an offer to pay money to eliminate it. In this situation, I had to decide how to remove the ransomware banner.

Any virus is a program that can be removed by reaching its files, you can find out where they are located by reading the instructions on the Internet. There are also friendly sites that offer, for free, special codes to get rid of the ransomware banner.

This issue can also be solved by fundamentally reinstalling Windows, however, this does not suit many because of the need, after setting up the system again, and bringing it back to its original, usable state.

In my opinion, the latter option has many advantages, especially when you consider that updating the system is beneficial in terms of the overall speed of the computer and eliminates various freezes and glitches that inevitably accompany a long-running system.
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