TV ad performance



Television ads are made up of images, sound, movement, and color, so they can have a much greater impact on an advertising audience than ads in other media.

On television, advertising becomes much more interesting, more informative and, at the same time, complex and expensive, especially if it is made using computer graphics.

The disadvantage of television advertising is that when it is broadcast, the attention of potential consumers should be focused only on the screen, otherwise the advertising message will not be correctly received.

Television provides the opportunity for large-scale advertising of consumer goods, but is not very effective for industrial goods. In order to achieve an effect in the field of television advertising, it is important to keep in mind certain things.

The most important thing is an interesting visualization, which should be quite clear and precise. You need to attract the attention of the audience in the first 5 seconds, otherwise interest disappears.

It is better to build television advertising in such a way that it does not force one to think, but helps to perceive its essence immediately.

It is better to build the plot not around any subject, but around the person who uses it. And there is no need for verbosity, because every spoken word should work.

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