Traveling around the world



It's easier to say where I have not been. Due to my profession, I started traveling so early that today I have managed to visit a lot. London fascinated me.
I just fell in love with India. When I came from India, I immediately created the Lakshmi photo project, in honor of the most revered goddess among the Indians.
Spain is a country in which I would like to meet my old age. Mexico bewitched, for the second year now I have been thinking about the project of creating a photo shoot in the style of the Maya Indians. We’ll start doing it soon.
Japan is also a country of my dreams - there are many contradictions in it, but this is what attracts me to it. Of course, America, where without it! Contrary to everything, I liked not New York - Big Apple anymore, but Atlanta. And Los Angeles is such a big hangar for filming movies.
Have you been to Las Vegas? What impression did he make on you? Las Vegas just killed with a headshot! Steeper and crazier than this city is not and will not be soon. This is a fairy tale for adults! His life and rhythm cannot be compared to any other. Here everyone will find entertainment for their soul. I, as the director of the show and artist, preferred to attend all the shows - there are so many of them that I could not see everything in one visit! So my mission in Las Vegas is not over yet.
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