Pareto Rule



The 80 \ 20 principle teaches how to achieve maximum results at less cost. It is important to invest our efforts, money, time only in the most profitable enterprises, which will absolutely bring profit. 80% of the result provides 20% of the conditions - how can we apply this principle in everyday life? Select for development exactly those most profitable 20%.
The most important principles of using the 80 \ 20 rule to optimize life:
- Highlight the reasons that are 20% of the most potential causes.
- To focus on these reasons in order to obtain 80% of the result.
Under this rule, you can bring any aspect of your life. Here are some examples:
1. Spend more time on the most important thing: 20% of the relationship - 80% of the value
Throughout life, we are overgrown with a huge number of social ties. And only a small part of them is really significant for us spiritually. This is a relationship with family, close friends. Spend more time developing and maintaining this relationship. Instead of non-obligatory chatting, spend these two hours talking with an old friend - this will bring you much more positive emotions.
2. Focus on unforgettable moments: 20% of the time - 80% of the memories
A huge amount of daily pastime gives us not so many wonderful memories. “There’s nothing even to remember” - how many times have you said that after a meaningless party? Focus on relationships with the people you love the most, on attending truly unforgettable events for you.
3. Invest your time in books that are important to you: 20% of books - 80% of the value
The fact that some books really played a role in your life, while you only spent hours in vain for others, is indisputable. Valuable books for your development and emotional, aesthetic, spiritual education should occupy more space in your life than the useless tabloid press. In addition, if some books, after reading, I want to quickly erase from memory, then others are useful to re-read many times. Instead of a stupid novel or a banal detective, it is always better to spend time re-reading the book that will give you food for the mind and open its new facets.
4. Highlight only the important and discard the rest: 20% of the content - 80% of the value
From the reading we learn many important life lessons, because this is a huge experience accumulated by generations. With the help of books we try on relationships, situations, places, feelings.
Books often contain too much information: secondary storylines, personal author information, definitions, creation and development stories, etc. Learn how to highlight the most important, most important thing that interests you at the moment.
This principle applies to both articles and posts.
5. Get rid of trash: 20% of things- 80% of the benefits
Only a small part of your property is used by you constantly. Most things simply clutter up your workplace, car, or wardrobe. Leave only the most necessary things, remove the rest away or throw away, and take up the rule: if you haven’t dressed or used something for two years, you don’t need it.
6. Spend more time studying what you need: 20% of the funds - 80% of the benefits.
A computer, for example. 20% of installed software is used 80% of the time. If this is your working tool, do not take the time to study it in detail - you can discover many useful functions for you. Learn the details, hot keys, look for instructions and new items on the network.
7. Make a list of useless actions and get rid of them: 80% of the actions give only 20% of the value
List all your daily activities. How many of them have yielded results? Review the work plan. How many points can they be thrown out without harm to the final result? Refrain from unnecessary movements without fear.
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