Healthy sleep



The human body is an amazing system, capable of self-healing and self-renewal. To do this, you need only one thing: do not interfere with it. In particular, do not interfere with sleep the amount of time that is needed to recover.
Sleep relieves daily stress and relaxes muscles. It literally “heals nerves”, as it promotes the formation of neurons, new nerve cells. Sleep stabilizes hormonal metabolism and metabolism, blood circulation, digestion, respiration and other functions of the autonomic system, which positively affects all body tissues, without exception. In a dream, cells renew faster than when awake.
Throughout its history, mankind has not come up with a better medicine and a way to maintain strength than sleep. Now the dream is in the last position in the internal list of priorities.
There is time for everything: friends, acquaintances, work, study, entertainment, hobbies. But it’s a pity to carve out a couple of extra hours in order to allow the body to put all its systems in order.
It is the state of these systems that determines the duration and quality of life. And this concept is not hypothetical, but quite concrete.
Sleep is not a habit, it is an urgent need for every person, something without which he simply will not survive. Habit is the attitude to one's sleep.
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