Global warming problem



Due to global warming, the size of living things will decrease. Elevated global temperatures in conjunction with human activities over the past century have already caused a significant decrease in the size of living things.
Soon the animal world may become unrecognizable.
The science. The global temperature indices that have grown over the past century, together with the results of human activity, have led to climatic transformations that have caused a decrease in the size of many animal species.
This was due to changes in their habitat, as well as the direct impact of global warming. This phenomenon is not new. Previous global warming has repeatedly caused fading inhabitants of the earth.
For example, the found burrows of invertebrate animals (beetles, bees, spiders), dug more than 55 million years ago, show a decrease in these creatures by 50-75%. This analysis was made by researchers in the October issue of NatureClimateChange.
The size of the ancestors of the modern horse at the same time decreased by about a third. And 53 million years ago they decreased again - already by 19%. This fact was proved to the paleontologist of the University of Michigan Philip Gingerich.
This was the period of the Late Paleocene thermal maximum - 2, which lasted 80-100 thousand years. During the second warming, a decrease in the inhabitants of the planet was also noted. For example, equid hyracoterias were no larger than the average dog.
Recall that recently the famous Giant George died, who became famous as the highest dog in the history of the Guinness Book of Records.
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